

A Multi-time Scale Dispatch Model for New Energy Grid Connection Considering Generalized Short Circuit Ratio of Operation



To ensure the stable operation of power system dur-ing large-scale new energy grid connection and reduce the in-stances of wind or solar energy curtailment,firstly,an analysis was made on methods for power fluctuation suppression in the new energy grid.Additionally,the generalized short circuit ra-tio of operation,a parameter for AC power grid strength evalu-ation after new energy being connected to the grid with arbit-rary power,was introduced.Secondly,a dispatch model for new energy grid connection considering three time scales:day-ahead,intra-day and real-time,was presented.Furthermore,a multi-time scale new energy grid connection capacity optimiza-tion models was established with the objective functions of minimum operation dispatch cost,maximum operation general-ized short circuit ratio,and the minimum fluctuation of joint output power.Finally,taking the system consisting of thermal power units,new energy stations,energy storage power sta-tions and high energy loads as an instance,the effectiveness of proposed strategy and model was verified through simulation.


河南城建学院电气与控制工程学院,河南省平顶山市 467044河南城建学院电气与控制工程学院,河南省平顶山市 467044河南城建学院电气与控制工程学院,河南省平顶山市 467044平顶山姚孟发电有限责任公司,河南省平顶山市 467031



new energymulti-time scaleflexible loadgeneralized short circuit ratio of operationgrid connection dispatch model

《现代电力》 2024 (2)


河南省教育厅项目(212102310301)河南省高等学校重点科研项目(22A470004).Project Supported by Henan Provincial Department of Education(212102310301)Key Scientific Research Projects of Colleges and Universities in Henan Province(22A470004).

