

Experimental Study on Pretreatment of Production Wastewater in Bone Pellet Plant


骨粒厂生产废水具有很高的化学需氧量(Chemical Oxygen Demand,COD),同时含有大量蛋白胶体物质及细骨粉.以往采用蒸发浓缩处理生产废水,这种方法处理成本高且存在一定安全风险.该生产废水含有高浓度的有机物,具有可生化性.通过试验探索骨粒厂生产废水预处理方法,分析不同药剂对生产废水中蛋白的分离效果.预处理后,生产废水中骨粉与蛋白实现分离,脱蛋白后的废水进行生化处理,处理后废水进一步回用,实现废水零排放.研究结果表明,骨粒厂生产废水原水加入聚合氯化铝(Polyaluminum Chloride,PAC)、聚丙烯酰胺(Polyacrylamide,PAM)与石灰组合的混凝剂调理后,蛋白分离效果较好.

The wastewater produced by the bone pellet plant has a high Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD),as well as a large amount of protein colloidal substances and bone powder.In the past,evaporation concentration was used to treat production wastewater,which had high treatment costs and certain safety risks.The production wastewater contains high concentrations of organic matter and is biodegradable.This paper explores the pretreatment methods of bone pellet plant production wastewater through experiments,and analyzes the separation effect of different agents on protein in production wastewater.After pretreatment,the bone powder and protein in the production wastewater are separated,and the deproteinized wastewater is subjected to biochemical treatment,and the treated wastewater is further reused to achieve zero discharge of wastewater.The research results indicate that the protein separation effect of the raw water from bone pellet plant production wastewater is better after being treated with a coagulant combination of Polyaluminum Chloride(PAC),Polyacrylamide(PAM),and lime.


浙江环耀环境建设有限公司杭州新世纪能源环保工程股份有限公司,杭州 310000



bone pellet plant production wastewaterpretreatmentprotein separationcoagulant

《中国资源综合利用》 2024 (004)

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