

Value,Characteristics and Response Strategies of Talent Training in Vocational Education under the Background of Digital Technology



Digital technology,as a new type of technical means,can promote the conceptual change of digital education and improve the digital information literacy of vocational education students;strengthen the construction and application of digital education resources and enhance the key competencies of vocational education students;deepen the connotation development of digital education and cultivate digital artisan talents in vocational education.Facing the brand-new requirements of digital transformation and upgrading as well as the adjustment needs of talent structure under the change of industrial structure,vocational education talent cultivation presents a new development outlook and situation,manifesting the characteristics of innovation,ecology and adaptability.The strategies of vocational education talent cultivation under the background of digital technology are as follows:to optimize the configuration of digital elements as the main line,to build a closed-loop cultivation ecosystem of talent chain,innovation chain and industrial chain;to drive the deep integration of industry and education with the agglomeration of digital resources as the basis,to improve the mechanism of collaborative cultivation between schools and enterprises in an intelligent way;and to coordinate and promote the new digital infrastructure as the traction,to build the talent cultivation community of the government,schools,industries and enterprises.





digital technologyvocational educationtalent cultivationinformation literacy

《职业技术教育》 2024 (008)

22-27 / 6

