首页|期刊导航|Acta Geochimica|Origin of the Dashuigou independent tellurium deposit at Qinghai–Xizang Plateau: constraints from the light stable isotopes C, O, and H

Origin of the Dashuigou independent tellurium deposit at Qinghai–Xizang Plateau: constraints from the light stable isotopes C, O, and HOAEI


By studying the light isotopic compositions of carbon,oxygen,and hydrogen,combined with previous research results on the ore-forming source of the deposit,the authors try to uncover its metallogenic origin.The δ^(18)O and δ^(13)C isotope signatures of dolomite samples vary between 10.2 and 13.0‰,and between−7.2 and−5.2‰,respectively,implying that the carbon derives from the upper mantle.δD and δ^(18) O of quartz,biotite,and muscovite from diff erent ore veins of the deposit vary between−82 and−59‰,and between 11.6 and 12.4‰,respectively,implying that the metallogenic solutions are mainly magmatic.According to the relevant research results of many isotope geologists,the fractionation degree of hydrogen isotopes increases as the depth to the Earth’s core increases,and the more diff erentiated the hydrogen isotopes are,the lower their values will be.In other words,mantle-derived solutions can have extremely low hydrogen isotope values.This means that the δD‰ value−134 of the pyrrhotite sample numbered SD-34 in this article may indicate mantle-derived oreforming fl uid of the deposit.The formation of the Dashuigou tellurium deposit occurred between 91.71 and 80.19 Ma.

Jianzhao Yin;Yuhong Chao;Haoyu Yin;Hongyun Shi;Shoupu Xiang

Wuhan Institute of Technology,Wuhan 430074,China College of Earth Sciences,Jilin University,Changchun 130061,ChinaGanzhongnan Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration,Nanchang 330002,ChinaGuinea Westfi eld Mining Company-Sarlu,Jinzhong 031300,ChinaOrient Resources Ltd.,Richmond,B.C.V7E 1M8,CanadaSilvercorp Metals Inc.,Beijing 100027,China


Carbonoxygenand hydrogen isotopesOriginIndependent tellurium depositThe Qinghai–Xizang Plateau

《Acta Geochimica》 2024 (2)


Support for this study was received from Orient Resources Ltd.in Canada,Wuhan Institute of Technology,China,and College of Earth Sciences,Jilin University,China.

