

The characteristics of activity of the Luanxian-Lulong fault and its seismic geological significance


采用野外地表地质与地貌调查、浅层人工地震反射勘探、槽探等方法,研究滦县—卢龙断裂的活动特征及其地震地质意义.滦县—卢龙断裂位于滦县和卢龙境内,总体走向NNE—NE,倾向W,倾角 60°—70°,为逆断层,宽度达 2-3 km,长约 31 km,并控制了部分地段滦河河谷及其支流河谷的发育,沿断裂有岩层动力变质现象,形成了明显的断层槽谷地貌.通过浅层人工地震反射勘探、槽探、区域地层对比等综合手段揭示滦县—卢龙断裂错断晚更新世西甘河组,并造成了第四纪地层变形,该断裂为晚更新世活动断裂,不排除未来发生中等强度以上地震的可能.

This paper studies the activity characteristics and seismic geological significance of Luanxian-Lulong fault by combining field surface geology and geomorphological survey,shallow artificial seismic reflection exploration and trough exploration.The Luanxian-Lulong fault is located in Luanxian and Lalong,generally towards NNE-NE,inclined W,with inclination of 60-70,and it is a reverse fault with 2-3 km wide and about 31 km long.The fault controls the development of Luanhe River Valley and its tributaries in some sections.Along the fault,there exists dynamic deterioration and forms obvious fault trough valley landform.According to the comprehensive means of shallow artificial seismic exploration,trough exploration,regional stratigraphic comparison and dating,it caused the deformation of quaternary strata,which was the active fault in the late Pleistocene.Although the Luanxian-Lalong fracture deformation is weak,the discussion believes that this can not rule out the possibility of strong earthquake in the future.


中国河北 063000 唐山地震监测中心站中国石家庄 050021 河北省震灾风险防治中心中国石家庄 050021 河北省震灾风险防治中心中国石家庄 050021 河北省震灾风险防治中心中国石家庄 050021 河北省震灾风险防治中心中国河北 063000 唐山地震监测中心站


Luanxian-Lulong faultstructural deformationactivity characteristicslate Pleistocene fault

《地震地磁观测与研究》 2024 (1)



