Analysis of magnitude deviation of surface wave at Hailar Seismic Station and Genhe Seismic Station
选取海拉尔地震台、根河地震台均记录到的 2022 年MS≥5.5 且波形清晰的156 个地震事件,分别比较海拉尔地震台、根河地震台测定的面波震级MS与中国地震台网中心正式目录的面波震级MS之间的震级偏差,分析震级、震中距与面波震级偏差间的关系.结果表明,海拉尔地震台面波震级偏差较大,较中国地震台网中心正式目录的面波震级偏小约 0.35 级;根河地震台面波震级偏差较小,较中国地震台网中心正式目录的面波震级偏小 0.01 级.海拉尔地震台震级为 6.6-7.0 级时震级偏差最小,而根河地震台震级偏差随震级的增大而增大.2 个台震级偏差均随震中距的增大而增大.
Using 156 earthquake events with MS≥5.5 and clear waveforms recorded by both the Hailar Seismic Station and Genhe Seismic Station between January 1,2022 and December 31,2022,to compare the magnitude deviations between the surface wave magnitude MS measured by the Hailar Seismic Station and Genhe Seismic Station and the surface wave magnitude MS published by the China Earthquake Networks Center,and analyze the relationship between the magnitude and the epicenter distance with the deviation.The results show that the magnitude deviation of surface wave at the Hailar Seismic Station is relatively large with about 0.35 magnitude smaller than the magnitude of surface wave in the official catalogue of China Earthquake Networks Center.The magnitude deviation of the surface wave at the Genhe Seismic Station is relatively small with about 0.01 magnitude from the magnitude of the surface wave recorded in the official catalogue of the China Earthquake Networks Center.The magnitude deviation at the Hailar Seismic Station is the smallest when the magnitude is in the range of 6.6-7.0,while that at the Genhe Seismic Station increases with the magnitude.The magnitude deviation of the Hailar Seismic Station and the Genhe Seismic Station increases with the increase of epicenter distance.
中国内蒙古自治区 021000 海拉尔地震监测中心站中国内蒙古自治区 750399 巴彦浩特地震监测中心站中国内蒙古自治区 021000 海拉尔地震监测中心站中国内蒙古自治区 021000 海拉尔地震监测中心站中国内蒙古自治区 021000 海拉尔地震监测中心站中国内蒙古自治区 021000 海拉尔地震监测中心站中国内蒙古自治区 021000 海拉尔地震监测中心站中国内蒙古自治区 021000 海拉尔地震监测中心站中国内蒙古自治区 021000 海拉尔地震监测中心站
magnitude deviationsurface wave magnitudemagnitudeepicenter distance
《地震地磁观测与研究》 2024 (1)