Highlight popularity or scarcity?Research on the matching effect of regional typicality of geographical indication agricultural products and advertising appeal mode
In real life,consumers tend to associate a certain type of product with a particular country or region.Within the same country,positive associations with a certain type of product and a particular region established by consumers can be referred to as"regional typicality".The essential characteristic of geographical indication agricultural products is the association of the products and their place of origin.Consumers have different associations between the products and their place of origin,thus forming various regional typicality,eventually leading to their different attitudes towards the same type of geographical indication agricultural products from different regions.For geographical indication agricultural products with different regional typicality,how to adopt supporting advertising appeal mode to improve the effectiveness of brand communication is worth exploring.In this research,regional typicality and advertising appeal mode are matched to explore their interaction effect on consumers'attitudes,as well as the internal mechanism and boundary conditions of such an effect.Therefore,this research proposes that when the regional typicality of geographical indication agricultural products is high,the adoption of popularity appeal can trigger consumers'positive attitudes towards the products,during which the perceived reliability plays a mediating role.When the regional typicality of geographical indication agricultural products is low,the adoption of scarcity appeal can induce consumers'positive attitudes towards the products,during which the perceived uniqueness plays a mediating role.In addition,product attributes play a moderating role in the interaction effect between regional typicality and advertising appeal mode on consumers'attitudes towards the products. Four experiment studies were conducted in this research.In experiment 1,"navel orange"was used as the stimulus to explore how regional typicality(high vs.low)and advertising appeal mode(popularity vs.scarcity)affect consumers'purchase intention.Data analysis showed that when the regional typicality of geographical indication agricultural products was high,the adoption of popularity appeal could lead to high consumers'purchase intention.On the contrary,when the regional typicality of geographical indication agricultural products was low,the adoption of scarcity appeal could result in high consumers'purchase intention.In experiment 2,"ham"was used as the stimulus to explore how regional typicality(high vs.low)and advertising appeal mode(popularity vs.scarcity)affect consumers'willingness to pay a price premium.Our data indicated that the influence of high regional typicality and popularity appeal on consumers'willingness to pay a price premium towards geographical indication agricultural products was mediated by perceived reliability.On the contrary,the influence of low regional typicality and scarcity appeal on consumers'willingness to pay a price premium towards geographical indication agricultural products was mediated by perceived uniqueness.In experiment 3,"tea"was used as the stimulus to explore how regional typicality(high vs.low),advertising appeal mode(popularity vs.scarcity)and product attributes(utilitarian vs.hedonic)affect consumers'recommendation intention.The results demonstrated that product attributes moderated the interaction effect between regional typicality and advertising appeal mode on consumers'recommendation intention.The influence of high regional typicality and popularity appeal on consumers'recommendation intention was more significant under the utilitarian attribute condition.In contrast,the influence of low regional typicality and scarcity appeal on consumers'recommendation intention was more significant under the hedonic attribute condition.In experiment 4,"rice"and"hairy crab"were used as the stimuli to explore how regional typicality(high vs.low),advertising appeal mode(popularity vs.scarcity)and product types(utilitarian vs.hedonic)affect consumers'recommendation intention.By changing the manipulation mode,the moderating effect of product attributes was verified again. Taken together,from the perspective of"typicality"of geographical indication agricultural product origin,this research examined the interaction effect between regional typicality and advertising appeal mode on consumers'attitudes towards the products(purchase intention,willingness to pay a price premium,and recommendation intention)as well as related mechanism and boundary conditions through four experiments.In addition,this research also employed different types of stimuli(primary agricultural products and processed agricultural products)and the subject populations(student and general consumers),which provided a strong support for the matching effect of regional typicality and advertising appeal mode.This research provides not only a new theoretical perspective for investigating the consumption behavior of geographical indication agricultural products but also practical implications for enhancing the brand value of geographical indications and promoting the balanced development of geographical indication industry.
华中农业大学 经济管理学院,湖北 武汉 430070华中农业大学 经济管理学院,湖北 武汉 430070华中农业大学 经济管理学院,湖北 武汉 430070||湖北农村发展研究中心,湖北 武汉 430070
Geographical indication agricultural productsRegional typicalityAdvertising appeal modeProduct attributesConsumers'attitudes towards the products
《管理工程学报》 2024 (3)
中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金项目(2662018PY048)中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金项目(2662020JGPYX05) The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2662018PY048)The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2662020JGPYX05)