

Effects of Phosphorus Fertilizer Application Rates on Maize Yield and Phosphorus Utilization Efficiency in Soybean-Maize Rotation System under Straw Returning Conditions


研究6~7 a秸秆还田条件下大豆-玉米轮作体系中磷肥用量对玉米产量和磷肥利用的影响,为玉米种植科学施磷提供参考.于2021-2022年在黑龙江省北大荒农垦集团有限公司九三分公司所属大西江、尖山和七星泡农场进行田间试验,按全程机械化玉米生产方式,分别设不施磷肥(P0)、当地推荐施磷量80%(P1)、当地推荐施磷量(P2)和当地推荐施磷量120%(P3)4个处理,研究磷肥用量对玉米生长、产量、磷吸收和利用效率的影响.结果表明,3个农场P1、P2和P3玉米产量和产量性状均无显著差异;磷肥用量对玉米干物质积累总量影响显著,3个农场中均以P3处理最高,2021年大西江、尖山和七星泡农场玉米干物质积累量较P1处理分别显著增加了12.74%、11.16%、14.63%,2022年大西江和七星泡农场较P1处理分别显著增加了7.88%、11.02%;玉米磷吸收量整体上随磷肥用量的增加而增加,2021年大西江、尖山和七星泡农场成熟期P3处理玉米磷吸收总量显著高于P1,分别较P1增加了17.75%、17.45%、25.25%,2022年大西江和七星泡农场分别增加了11.65%、16.96%,但玉米籽粒磷吸收量无显著差异;P1显著提高了磷肥农学效率和磷肥偏生产力,2021年大西江、尖山和七星泡农场磷肥农学效率分别较P2处理提高了61.04%、38.45%、17.84%,2022年大西江和七星泡农场磷肥农学效率分别较P2处理提高了 18.37%、19.03%,磷肥偏生产力 2021 年大西江、尖山和七星泡农场分别较P2 处理提高了30.33%、27.69%、23.57%,2022年大西江和七星泡农场分别较P2处理提高了22.42%、24.31%;3个农场P1、P2和P3磷肥表观利用率整体上无显著差异.经过6~7 a秸秆还田且连续实施大豆-玉米轮作培肥条件下,磷肥施用量可较当地推荐磷肥用量降低20%,磷肥用量过多仅增加玉米营养体磷积累,降低磷肥农学效率和偏生产力.

The experiment studied the effect of phosphorus fertilizer application rates on maize yield and phosphorus fertilizer utilization in soybean-maize rotation system after 6-7 years of straw return,to provide theoretical reference for scientific application of phosphorus fertilizer in regional maize planting.From 2021 to 2022,field experiments were conducted on Daxijiang,Jianshan,and Qixingpao farms under the 93 branch of Beidahuang Agricultural Reclamation Group Co.,Ltd.in Heilongjiang Province.According to the fully mechanized maize production method,four treatments were set up:No phosphorus fertilizer(P0),80%local recommended phosphorus fertilizer(P1),local recommended phosphorus fertilizer(P2),and 120%local recommended phosphorus fertilizer(P3).The effects of phosphorus fertilizer application rates on maize growth,yield,phosphorus absorption and utilization efficiency were studied.The results showed that there was no significant difference in maize yield and yield traits among P1,P2,and P3 treatments on the three farms.The amount of phosphorus fertilizer had a significant impact on the total dry matter accumulation of maize,with P3 treatment being the highest on the three farms.In 2021,the dry matter accumulation of maize in Daxijiang,Jianshan,and Qixingpao farms increased significantly by 12.74%,11.16%,and 14.63%compared to P1 treatment,respectively.In 2022,Daxijiang and Qixingpao farms increased significantly by 7.88%and 11.02%compared to P1 treatment,respectively.The overall phosphorus absorption of maize increasesd with the increase of phosphorus fertilizer application.In 2021,the total phosphorus absorption of P3 treatment at mature stage in Daxijiang,Jianshan,and Qixingpao farms was significantly higher than that in P1,increasing by 17.75%,17.45%,and 25.25%,respectively.In 2022,Daxijiang and Qixingpao farms increased by 11.65%and 16.96%,respectively.However,there was no significant difference in phosphorus absorption of maize grains.P1 significantly improved the agronomic efficiency and partial productivity of phosphorus fertilizer.In 2021,the agronomic efficiency of phosphorus fertilizer in Daxijiang,Jianshan,and Qixingpao farms increased by 61.04%,38.45%,and 17.84%respectively compared to P2 treatment.In 2022,the agronomic efficiency of phosphorus fertilizer in Daxijiang and Qixingpao farms increased by 18.37%and 19.03%respectively compared to P2 treatment.In 2021,the partial productivity of phosphorus fertilizer in Daxijiang,Jianshan,and Qixingpao farms increased by 30.33%,27.69%,and 23.57%respectively compared to P2 treatment.In 2022,Daxijiang and Qixingpao farms increased by 22.42%and 24.31%respectively compared to P2 treatment.There was no significant difference overall in the apparent utilization efficiency of phosphorus fertilizer among P1,P2,and P3 on the three farms.After 6-7 years of returning straw to the field and continuous implementation of soybean-maize rotation for fertilization,the application amount of phosphorus fertilizer can be reduced by 20%compared to the local recommended phosphorus fertilizer amount.Excessive phosphorus fertilizer use only increases the accumulation of phosphorus in maize vegetative body,reducing the agronomic efficiency and partial productivity of phosphorus fertilizer.


黑龙江八一农垦大学,黑龙江 大庆 163319北大荒集团黑龙江大西江农场有限公司农业发展部,黑龙江嫩江 161408黑龙江八一农垦大学,黑龙江 大庆 163319||农业农村部东北平原农业绿色低碳重点实验室,黑龙江 大庆 163319



Phosphate fertilizerMaizeYieldPhosphorus absorptionPhosphorus fertilizer utilization efficiencyStraw return

《河南农业科学》 2024 (004)

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