

Overlying strata movement and rib spalling law of large mining height working face


为探究大采高工作面顶板运动规律及煤壁破坏机理,建立 3种不同采高的UDEC数值模型,分析采高和支架护帮板位置对顶板垮落步距、形态及煤壁破坏深度的影响,建立煤壁滑移破坏力学模型.研究结果表明:初次来压步距受采高的影响较小,均为 45 m,周期来压步距随着采高的增大而减小;大采高工作面由于垮落矸石无法充满采空区,顶板易形成悬臂梁结构;采高增大会增大煤壁片帮的风险.计算得出了大采高工作面煤壁能承受的最大顶板压力,给出了煤壁滑移破坏判据.通过建立不同护帮板位置的数值模型,确定了 8.8 m大采高工作面的护帮板最佳支护位置.提出了增加护帮板水平推力和支护面积的煤壁控制方法,现场应用该方法使煤壁稳定性得到了有效提升.

In order to explore the strata movement law and rib spalling mechanism of large mining height working face,three UDEC numerical models under different mining heights were established.The effects of mining height and support panel position on roof caving step distance,shape and rib spalling were analyzed,and the mechanical model of rib spalling was established.The results show that the first weighting step distance is less affected by the mining height,both of which are 45 m.The periodic weighting step distance decreases with the increase of mining height.The roof of the large mining height working face is easy to form a cantilever beam structure because the caving gangue cannot fill the goaf.The increase of mining height will increase the risk of rib spalling.The maximum roof pressure that the rib of the large mining height working face can withstand is calculated,and the criterion of rib slip failure is given.By establishing the numerical model of different positions of the guard plate,the optimal support position of the guard plate of the 8.8 m large mining height working face is obtained.The rib control method of increasing the horizontal thrust and support area of the guard plate is proposed,and the stability of the rib is effectively improved after field application.


中国矿业大学(北京) 能源与矿业学院,北京 100083



high face miningstrata movementrib spallingcoal wall control

《辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (002)

135-142 / 8


