

Study on overburden stress and fracture evolution law of advanced mining in ultra-long distance lower group coal seam


为探究平煤股份八矿超远距离下组煤层超前开采对上覆煤岩层的影响,采用相似材料模拟实验分析超远距离下组煤层超前开采上覆煤岩层裂隙及应力演化规律,并进行现场验证.研究结果表明:超远距离下组煤层超前开采条件下,随工作面推进,上覆煤岩层裂隙率呈先上升后平稳的趋势,当工作面从187 m推进至272 m,裂隙发育最快;超远距离下组煤层超前开采对上覆煤岩层有卸压效果,但与常规情况下相比卸压滞后距离较大;上覆岩层卸压比戊组煤层大;通过现场验证发现,随工作面推进,矿压呈先上升再下降后稳定的趋势,并将工作面区域分为未干扰区、应力集中区、卸压区和稳定区.研究结论可为平煤矿区远距离下组煤层超前开采、上组煤层工作面瓦斯防治和采区工作面采掘部署提供参考.

In order to explore the influence of advanced mining of ultra-long distance lower group coal seam on overlying coal and rock strata in No.8 Mine of Pingdingshan Coal Company Limited,similar material simulation experiments were used to analyze the fracture and stress evolution law of overlying coal and rock strata in advanced mining of ultra-long distance lower group coal seam,and on-site verification.The experimental results show that under the condition of advanced mining of the coal seam in the ultra-long-distance lower formation,the fracture rate of the overlying coal seam shows a trend of first increasing and then stabilizing with the advancement of the working face,and the fracture development is the fastest when the working face is advanced from 187 m to 272 m.The advanced mining of the coal seam in the lower group of ultra-long-distance has a pressure relief effect on the overlying coal rock formation,but the lag distance of pressure relief is larger than that under conventional conditions.The pressure relief of the overlying rock formation is larger than that of the Wu group coal seam.Through on-site verification,it is found that with the advancement of the working face,the mine pressure first rises and then decreases and then stabilizes,and the working face area is divided into undisturbed area,stress concentration area,pressure relief area and stability area.The research conclusions can provide reference for the long-distance advanced mining of coal in the lower coal formation in the Pingdingshan coal mining area,the prevention and control of gas in the coal seam face of the upper group and the mining deployment of the working face in the mining area.


中国平煤神马集团,河南 平顶山 467000平顶山天安煤业股份有限公司八矿,河南 平顶山 467000辽宁工程技术大学 力学与工程学院,辽宁 阜新 123000辽宁工程技术大学 矿业学院,辽宁 阜新 123000



ultra-long distancesimilar material simulationsstress evolutionpressure relief effect

《辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (002)

143-149 / 7


