首页|期刊导航|世界竹藤通讯|湖南桃江蓄"竹"新质生产力 打造"湘竹"新标杆

湖南桃江蓄"竹"新质生产力 打造"湘竹"新标杆OA

Accumulating New Bamboo Quality Productive Forces for New Benchmark of"Hunan's Bamboo"in Taojiang County,Hunan Province


湖南省桃江县地处湘中偏北、洞庭尾闾,素有"中国竹子之乡""美人窝""屈原第二故乡"等美誉,全县拥有楠竹7.7 万hm2,居湖南省县级第一、全国第三.自 2021 年以来,桃江县围绕竹产业高质量发展这一核心目标,创新推进竹旅文体康产业融合发展,打造绿色、优质、协同、高效产业链群,为新质生产力注入绿色新动能.文章分析了桃江县竹产业发展现状、面临的新形势、存在的主要问题,系统总结了桃江县发展竹旅文体康产业融合发展的主要做法及取得的成效,以期为加快其他地区竹产业高质量发展提供启发和借鉴.

Taojiang county,located in the north-central Hunan and at the end of Dongting Lake,is known as the"Home to Chinese bamboo","the beauty's nest"and"the second hometown of Qu Yuan".The county has 77 000 ha bamboo,ranking first in Hunan and the third in China.Since 2021,centering on the core objective of high-quality bamboo industry development,Taojiang county has innovatively promoted the integrative development of bamboo-based tourism,culture,sport and recreation industries,and created a green,high-quality,synergistic and efficient industrial chain cluster,which injects a new green momentum into the new quality productive forces.The paper analyzes the current development,the new situation faced and the existing problems of Taojiang's bamboo industry,and systematically summarizes the main practices and results achieved in the integrative development of bamboo-based tourism,culture,sport and recreation industries in Taojiang.This study is expected to provide a reference for the high-quality development of bamboo industry in other regions.


桃江县人民政府 湖南桃江 413400


bamboo industrywhole industrial chainnew quality productive forcesbamboo as a substitute for plasticintegrative developmentTaojiang countyHunan province

《世界竹藤通讯》 2024 (2)


