Bamboo Industry Policies in China
近年来,随着我国"两山"转化、乡村振兴、"双碳"目标以及"以竹代塑"倡议等国家战略的不断推进,竹产业发展迎来了前所未有的机遇.国家相关部门及重点产竹省、市、县相继出台了加快竹产业高质量发展的一系列政策文件.为了更好地发挥竹产业政策的引领作用,提高政策效能,本文对2018-2023 年国家和重点产竹区省、市、县出台的 27 项竹产业政策文件进行了比较分析.结果显示:1)不同的政策文件在发布单位、发布时间、有无配套政策或关联政策等方面均存在差异,反映出竹产业发展在主导主体、发展的紧迫程度、政策的可操作性等方面的不同,同时不同政策的制定过程具有下试上鉴和上行下效的特点;2)不同的政策文件在内容上既有共性部分也有个性化部分,共性内容反映了竹产业发展所必须具备的基础要素,个性化内容则反映了该政策适用范围的区域特点和重点发展方向.研究结果有助于更好地理解和落实竹产业政策,并为后续的政策修订提供参考.
In recent years,with the continuous advancement of national strategies such as"Two Mountains"theory,rural revitalization,"dual carbon"goals and the"Bamboo as a Substitute for Plastic"Initiative,bamboo industry has ushered in unprecedented development.Relevant ministries and administration as well as key bamboo-producing provinces,cities and counties have successively issued policy documents to accelerate the high-quality development of bamboo industry.In order to give better play to the leading role of bamboo industrial policy and improve policy effectiveness,this paper makes a comparative analysis of 27 policy documents relevant to bamboo industry,which had been issued from 2018 to 2023.The results show:1)These policy documents are different in issuing organizations,issuing time,supporting policies or related policies,which reflects the differences of bamboo industry development in leading body,development urgency,policy enforcement,etc.At the same time,the formulation process of these policies presents the characteristics that the central and provincial governments learn the lessons from the local pilots while local governments follow the above governments'actions;2)These policy documents have parts in common as well as exclusive parts.The common parts in content reflects the basic elements necessary for the development of bamboo industry,while the exclusive content reflects the regional characteristics and key promotion directions within the application sphere of these policies.The results are helpful to better understand and implement the bamboo industrial policies,and provide references for the subsequent policy revision.
安吉县林业局 浙江安吉 313300安吉县林业局 浙江安吉 313300安吉县杭垓镇政府 浙江安吉 313304中国林学会竹子分会 浙江富阳 311400安吉县林业局 浙江安吉 313300安吉县林业局 浙江安吉 313300
bamboo industrypolicy documentpolicy effectivenesshigh-quality developmentChina
《世界竹藤通讯》 2024 (2)
浙江省林业增汇试点县项目(浙双碳办[2022]1 号).