

High-Quality Development of Bamboo Industry in Taojiang County of Hunan Province under the Background of Multiple Integration



Bamboo industry is one of the renowned business cards of Taojiang county in Hunan province.Following the policies of"bamboo as a substitute for plastic"and"dual carbon"goals,Taojiang county has brought its advantages into full play in line with local conditions,and rely on moso bamboo resources to develop the bamboo industry,centering around which the cultural,tourism,sports and health industries are integrated for exploring the functions of bamboo industry from multiple dimensions,extending the industrial chain,increasing added value,and promoting the transformation and upgrading of the bamboo industry.On the basis of analyzing the current development of the bamboo industry in Taojiang county,this paper elaborates in detail on the experience and practices of Taojiang county in accelerating the high-quality development of bamboo industry from the aspects of strengthening top-level design,leveraging resource endowments,enhancing industrial competitiveness,and promoting industrial integration through innovation.It proposes the ideas for the diversified and integrative development of bamboo industry in the future,providing references for promoting its transformation and upgrading in the county.


桃江县竹产业发展服务中心 湖南桃江 413400桃江县竹产业发展服务中心 湖南桃江 413400桃江县林业局 湖南桃江 413400


bamboo industrybamboo as a substitute for plasticintegrative developmentindustrial transformation and upgradingTaojiang countyHunan province

《世界竹藤通讯》 2024 (2)



