

Comparative Competitiveness of Biomedical Industry Clusters in Guangdong Province and Exploration of Development Model based on Entropy Value Method


目的 探究广东省生物医药产业集群竞争力和未来发展模式.方法 基于熵值法构建由规模、经营、绿色技术创新、成长竞争力组成的生物医药产业集群竞争力综合评价指标体系,分析2010-2020年广东省生物医药产业集群竞争力发展现状,并与浙江省进行比较.结果 现阶段广东省生物医药产业集群竞争力发展趋势与浙江省相似,但各项竞争力指标均低于浙江省,其中绿色技术创新竞争力与浙江省差距最大.结论 广东省生物医药产业集群未来发展模式应以"链式"为导向,稳固政策、服务、金融链的优势基础,强化人才链的中坚作用,以绿色技术创新为核心的创新链驱动产业链高质量发展.

Objective To explore the competitiveness and future development model of Guangdong biomedical industry cluster.Methods Based on the entropy value method,we constructed a comprehensive evaluation index system for the competitiveness of biopharmaceutical industry clusters consisting of scale,operation,green technological innovation and growth competitiveness,analyzed the current situation of the development of the competitiveness of biopharmaceutical industry clusters in Guangdong Province from 2010 to 2020,and selected biopharmaceutical industry clusters in Zhejiang Province for the comparison.Results 2010-2020,the development trend of competitiveness of biopharmaceutical industry cluster in Guangdong Province was similar to that of Zhejiang Province,but all the competitiveness indicators were lower than Zhejiang Province,among which the competitiveness of green technology innovation had the biggest gap with Zhejiang.Conclusion The future development mode of Guangdong biomedical industry cluster should be oriented to"chain",stabilize the advantageous foundation of policy,service and financial chain,strengthen the backbone role of talent chain,and drive the high-quality development of industry chain by the innovation chain with the core of green technology innovation.


广东药科大学医药化工学院,广州 510006广东药科大学医药商学院,广州 510006广东药科大学医药商学院,广州 510006广东药科大学医药商学院,广州 510006



Biomedical industryIndustry cluster competitivenessGuangdong provinceModel

《中国药物经济学》 2024 (3)



