

Establishment of Regeneration System of Chrysanthemum vestitum with Three Floret Forms


毛华菊(Chrysanthemum vestitum)是栽培菊花(C.× morifolium)的近缘六倍体野生种之一,其自然群体中的舌状花与栽培菊花一样具有典型的平瓣型、管瓣型和混合瓣型变异,是研究菊属植物瓣型变异的理想材料.其舌状花发育过程受生长素和花器官发育关键差异基因的影响,但目前缺乏稳定高效的不同瓣型毛华菊株系的再生体系,制约了毛华菊瓣型相关基因的研究.利用在河南省伏牛山收集的3种瓣型毛华菊株系,以叶片和茎间薄层为外植体建立再生体系.结果表明,以平瓣型叶片为外植体,其愈伤组织诱导和不定芽分化最佳培养基为MS+1 mg-L-1 NAA+2 mg-L-1 6-BA,接种20天愈伤组织诱导率为100%,不定芽分化率达100%;最佳生根培养基为1/2MS+0.2 mg-L-1 NAA,生根率达100%.平瓣型毛华菊的叶片最佳再生体系也适用于管瓣型和混合瓣型株系,不定芽分化率分别为83.46%和91.67%,生根率均为100%.移栽后对开花植株进行观察,发现利用叶片再生体系获得的3种不同瓣型再生植株花型稳定,为后续利用不同瓣型株系解析舌状花形态变异机理提供了技术方法.

Chrysanthemum vestitum,a closely related hexaploid wild species of cultivated C.x morifolium has the same and typical flat,tubular and mixed floret forms in its natural population as cultivated chrysanthemum and is an ideal ma-terial for studying the petal variation in chrysanthemum.The development progress of this ray floret is affected by key differential genes such as auxin and floral organ development,but the lack of stable and efficient regeneration systems for different floret forms has restricted the study of petal type-related genes in C.vestitum.In this paper,the authors used three floret forms of C.vestitum collected from Funiu Mountain in Henan Province to establish regeneration systems using leaves and transverse thin cell layers(tTCLs)as explants.The results showed that the optimal media for callus induction and adventitious bud differentiation were MS+1 mg·L-1 NAA+2 mg·L-1 6-BA with flat floret leaves as explants,and the callus induction rate was 100%at 20 days after inoculation.The differentiation rate of adventitious buds was 100%.The optimal rooting medium was 1/2MS+0.2 mg·L-1 NAA,and the rooting rate of regenerated plants was 100%.The optimal leaf regeneration system for the flat floret strain was also suitable for determining both the tubular and mixed floret strains.The differentiation rates of adventitious buds were 83.46%and 91.67%,respectively,and the rooting rates were 100%.The flowering plants were observed after transplanting,and it was found that the flower types of the regenerated plants with three different floret forms obtained by the leaf regeneration system were stable,which provided a technical method for the subsequent analysis of the morphological variation mechanism of ray florets by using different floret forms of C.vestitum.


北京林业大学园林学院,城乡生态环境北京实验室,花卉种质创新与分子育种北京市重点实验室,国家花卉工程技术研究中心,北京 100083


Chrysanthemum vestitumdifferent floret formsleafregeneration systemtransverse thin cell layer

《植物学报》 2024 (002)

245-256 / 12


