Selection Experiment of Regenerated Rice Varieties in Lu'an City
为筛选出适合六安市推广种植的高产、优质、高抗再生稻品种,六安市农业科学研究院选择 10 个近年来通过审定的水稻品种进行筛选试验.结果表明:参试水稻品种中,甬优 4901 头季稻产量达 8 384.19 kg/hm2,再生季产量达 3 941.97 kg/hm2,综合产量表现最高;其后依次是晶两优 1212、隆晶优 1212、丰两优香一号、丰两优 688,综合产量分别是 12 246.13、11 865.94、11 474.07、11 002.26 kg/hm2.综合分析生育期、有效穗数、穗粒数、千粒重、产量、再生能力及抗逆性等方面,晶两优 1212、甬优 4901、隆晶优 1212、丰两优香一号、丰两优 688 共5 个水稻品种更适合在六安市作再生稻品种进行推广种植.
In order to screen for high-yield,high-quality and high resistance regenerated rice varieties suitable for promotion and cultivation in Lu'an City,Lu'an Agricultural Science Research Institute selected 10 rice varieties that have been approved in recent years for variety selection experiment.The results showed that among the tested rice varieties,the first season yield of Yongyou 4901 reached 8 384.19 kg/hm2,and the regeneration season yield reached 3 941.97 kg/hm2,with the highest comprehensive yield performance;followed by Jingliangyou 1212,Longjingyou 1212,Fengliangyouxiang 1 and Fengliangyou 688,with comprehensive yield of 12 246.13 kg/hm2,11 865.94 kg/hm2,11 474.07 kg/hm2,and 11 002.26 kg/hm2,respectively.Based on the analysis of growth period,effective panicle number,grain number per panicle,1 000-grain weight,yield,regeneration ability and stress resistance,a total of 5 rice varieties(including Jingliangyou 1212,Yongyou 4901,Longjingyou 1212,Fengliangyouxiang 1 and Fengliangyou 688)were more suitable for promoting as regenerated rice varieties in Lu'an City.
六安市农业综合行政执法支队,安徽六安 237000
regenerated riceeconomic characteristicyieldLu'an Anhui
《现代农业科技》 2024 (10)