Analysis on Differences in Quality Characteristics and Reasons of Different Types of Tobacco Leaves in Shandong Province
为明确山东省不同类型烟叶质量特征差异及原因,本研究连续 3 年采集山东烟区烟叶样品,分析不同类型烟叶物理特性、化学成分和感官评吸质量,通过相关分析,解析影响评吸质量的主要因素.结果表明:中、上部叶物理特性方面,香吃味型最好,香味型居其次,吃味型最低,表现在部分吃味型中、上部叶发育过旺,叶片大小、单叶重、叶面密度超出适宜范围.化学成分方面,香味型中部叶化学成分协调性最好,香吃味型中部叶居于其次,吃味型中部叶最低,主要是部分吃味型烟叶淀粉、氯离子含量高且钾氯比低;3 种类型上部叶化学成分协调性基本一致.感官评吸质量方面,中部叶质量得分为香味型最高,香吃味型其次,吃味型最低,差异主要体现在香气质、余味、杂气、刺激性等指标;3 种类型上部烟叶评吸质量差异不明显.相关分析表明,叶宽对中部叶评吸质量产生显著负效应,叶长、叶片厚度对上部叶评吸质量产生显著负效应;钾和钾氯比对中部叶评吸质量产生显著正效应,而还原糖、硫、氯离子、纤维素、半纤维素产生显著负效应;还原糖、总糖对上部叶评吸质量产生显著正效应,而烟碱、纤维素产生负效应.吃味型中部叶评吸质量较低,与其叶片发育过旺及硫、氯含量较高有关;3 种类型上部叶评吸质量无显著差异,但其原因各有不同,香味型、香吃味型上部叶虽然钾含量高、氯离子含量低,但总糖含量低、烟碱含量高,糖碱比协调性变差,而吃味型上部叶钾含量低、氯离子含量高,总糖含量高、烟碱含量低,糖碱比协调.因此,需针对不同类型烟叶的问题,采取相应农艺措施,提高烟叶质量.
In order to clarify the differences in the quality characteristics of different types of tobacco in Shandong Province and the reasons,this study collected tobacco samples from Shandong tobacco areas for three consecutive years.The physical characteristics,chemical composition and sensory assessment quality of different types of tobacco leaves were analyzed,and the main factors affecting the assessment quality were analyzed through correlation analysis.The results showed that the physical characteristics of the middle and upper leaves of the flavor type were the best,followed by the aroma type and eating type.It was represented that some of the middle and upper leaves of the eating type was too vigorous in development,and the leaf size,leaf weight and leaf density were beyond the appropriate range.In terms of chemical composition,the chemical composition of middle leaves of the flavor type had the best coordination,followed by middle leaves of the flavor type,and middle leaves of the flavor type had the lowest coordination,which was mainly due to the high content of starch and chlorine ions and the low potassium-chlorine ratio in part of the flavor type tobacco leaves;the coordination of the chemical composition of the upper leaves of the three tobacco types was basically the same.In terms of sensory assessment quality,the quality of the middle leaves of the aroma type scored the highest,followed by the flavor type and eating type.The difference was mainly reflected in the aroma,aftertaste,miscellaneous gas,irritation and other indicators.The difference in assessment quality of upper leaves of three tobacco types was not obvious.The correlation analysis showed that leaf width had a significant negative effect on assessment quality of the middle leaves,leaf length and leaf thickness had significant negative effects on the assessment quality of the upper leaves;potassium and potassium-chlorine ratio had significant positive effects on assessment quality of the middle leaves,while reducing sugar,sulfur,chlorine ions,cellulose,hemicellulose had significant negative effects;reducing sugar,total sugar had significant positive effects on assessment quality of the upper leaves,while nicotine and cellulose had negative effects.The middle leaves of eating type had lower assessment quality,in connection with too strong leaf development,higher sulfur and chlorine ion contents;there was no significantly difference in assessment quality of upper leaves of three tobacco types,but the reasons for this were different.The upper leaves of aroma type and flavor type had high potassium content and low chlorine ion content,but sugar content was low,alkali content was high,coordination of sugar-alkali ratio became worse.The upper leaves of eating type had low potassium content,high chlorine ion content,high sugar content and low alkali content,sugar-alkali ratio was coordinated.Therefore,it is necessary to take appropriate agronomic measures to improve the quality of tobacco according to the problems of different types of tobacco.
山东中烟工业有限责任公司,山东济南 250014中国农业科学院烟草研究所/农业农村部烟草生物学与加工重点实验室,山东青岛 266101山东潍坊烟草有限公司,山东潍坊 261061山东淄博烟草有限公司,山东淄博 255090山东青岛烟草有限公司,山东青岛 266034山东莱芜烟草有限公司,山东济南 250022
flue-cured tobaccotobacco leaf typephysical characteristicchemical compositionsensory qualitycharacteristic differenceShandong Province
《现代农业科技》 2024 (10)