

Modal characteristics analysis of current and voltage waveform with fast-changing in DC charging station


针对电动汽车充电桩输出电流和电压呈现出"随机性、波动性、时变性"的快速变化特性,引发电能计量较大超差问题,文章建立充电桩快速变化直流电流和电压的随机信号数学模型及其时频域表征模型;提出快速变化波形模态提取方法,提取了 6类12种快速变化直流波形模态,提出并构建了幅度域8个特征参量数学模型,表征影响电能计量的电流和电压特征;提取了典型特征参量数值和重要特性,该特征参量数值和特性可为制定直流电能表动态误差的测试评价试验条件提供理论依据.

Aiming at the problem that the output current and voltage of the electric vehicle charging pile show the fast-changing characteristics of"randomness,volatility and time-varying",which leads to the problem of large out-of-tolerance of electric energy metering,a random signal mathematical model of the fast-changing DC current and voltage of the charging pile is established,and its time-frequency domain characterization model is established.A fast-changing waveform mode extraction method is proposed,and 12 fast-changing DC waveform modes of 6 catego-ries are extracted.A mathematical model of eight characteristic parameters in the amplitude domain is proposed and constructed to characterize the current and voltage characteristics that affect the energy metering.The typical char-acteristic parameters and important characteristics are extracted.The value and characteristics of the characteristic parameter can provide a theoretical basis for formulating the test and evaluation test conditions for the dynamic error of the DC electricity meter.


国网冀北电力有限公司计量中心,北京 100045北京化工大学 信息科学与技术学院,北京 100029



car charging pilepower signalwaveform modal extractioncharacteristic parameter modeltypical characteristicimportant characteristic

《电测与仪表》 2024 (005)

38-43,59 / 7


