

Hybrid energy storage capacity planning of energy hub considering IGDT


针对电池储能等常规储能不能快速响应能源枢纽风电出力短期扰动问题,文中将混合储能引入能源枢纽当中,考虑混合储能在枢纽运行中的损耗,提出了能源枢纽日运行成本最优时的储能容量规划模型.然后基于信息间隙决策理论(Information Gap Decision Theory,IGDT)在风险规避策略与机会寻求策略下,建立考虑风电出力不确定性的鲁棒与机会模型,为决策者提供能源枢纽容量规划方案.最后通过算例分析,证明使用混合储能的能源枢纽对风电出力存储转化效率更高,日运行成本更少.同时基于IGDT混合储能容量规划模型,能够为决策者提供在满足预期运行目标时风电出力最大/最小波动范围,分析风电出力不确定性与混合储能容量之间的关系,通过定量分析为不同风险偏好策略提供容量规划依据.

Aiming at the problem that conventional energy storage such as battery energy storage cannot quickly re-spond to the short-term disturbance of wind power output of the energy hub,this paper introduces hybrid energy storage into the energy hub,considers the loss of hybrid energy storage in the operation of the hub,and puts for-ward the energy storage capacity planning model when the daily operation cost of the energy hub is optimal.Then,based on the information gap decision theory(IGDT),under the risk aversion strategy and opportunity seeking strategy,a robust and opportunity model considering the uncertainty of wind power output is established,which pro-vides decision makers with energy hub capacity planning scheme.Finally,through the example analysis,it is proved that the energy hub using hybrid energy storage has higher storage and conversion efficiency of wind power output and less daily operation cost.At the same time,the hybrid energy storage capacity planning model based on IGDT can provide decision makers with the maximum/minimum fluctuation range of wind power output when meet-ing the expected operation objectives.The relationship between wind power output uncertainty and hybrid energy storage capacity is analyzed,which provides capacity planning basis for different risk preference strategies through quantitative analysis.


西南石油大学电气信息学院,成都 610500电子科技大学航空航天学院,成都 611731



energy hubhybrid energy storageinformation gap decision theorycapacityuncertainty

《电测与仪表》 2024 (005)

98-107 / 10

国家重点研发计划(2018YFB0904900,2018YF B0904905);四川省科技计划项目(2020YFN0019);四川省科技服务业示范项目(2019GFW150)

