

Numerical analysis of a deformed friction disk on the angular tilting under spline constraint



To reveal the variance of the dynamic characteristics of a friction disc before and after deformation during the disengagement process,the angular tilting of a spinning disc with different deformation degrees is analyzed un-der a spline-guided boundary condition.Initially,a mechanical analysis of a flat friction disc is conducted,and the dynamic model of the angular swing of the flat friction disc is established.Considerably,the deformation function of a thin plate is introduced into the flat disc function,deriving the tilting model of deformed friction discs by consid-ering the geometric difference.Meanwhile,compared with the traditional boundary condition,a friction boundary is chosen at the inner edge of the spline constraints,and the maximum tilting angle is determined considering the geo-metrical structure.Next,the effects of all influencing factors on the tilting are analyzed in the time and frequency domains.The results show that when the rotating disc is disturbed,the angular tiling frequency increases along with the rotation speed but decreases as the deflection angle increases.Moreover,the maximum tilting angle will prolong the tilting time at low rotation speed,while the friction force will reduce the tilting time.


北京理工大学机械与车辆学院,北京 100081中国人民解放军32184部队,北京 100071



clutchfriction discspline-guided boundaryspinning disc dynamicsdeformed discrigid-body tilt-ingnumerical analysisfrequency domain analysis

《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 2024 (005)

947-956 / 10


