Research Progress in Ignition Criteria of Solid Propellants
In order to establish the general ignition criteria on solid propellant,the recent domestic and foreign solid propellant ignition criteria were summarized from experiment and simulation analysis aspects,respectively.The ignition criteria for solid propellant at the experimental level include ignition/non-ignition criteria,pressure criteria,temperature criteria,spectral radia-tion intensity criteria and multi-parameter co-ignition criteria.Comparative analysis shows that the ignition criteria are limited by the experimental conditions and the test equipments,and there are defects such as the key ignition temperature is difficult to be got,and there is a delay in parameters testing,so it is difficult to expand the application.However,the multi-parameter collaborative ignition criterion has higher accuracy and greater promotion possibility.At the simulation level,the temperature ignition criteria,the pressure ignition criteria and the chemical signal ignition criteria are mainly established based on solid phase,gas phase and out-of-phase ignition theories.Compared with the experimental ignition criterion,the simulated ignition criterion is more consistent with the ignition theory of solid propellant,but the key parameters such as ignition temperature and dynamics data obtained from the experiments are required as the model input,and the ignition theory of different types of pro-pellants is different,so the ignition criterion still needs to be further studied.In addition,the correlation and generality of ex-perimental and simulated ignition criteria are discussed.49 References are attached.
浙江大学热能工程研究所,浙江杭州 310027浙江大学热能工程研究所,浙江杭州 310027浙江大学热能工程研究所,浙江杭州 310027浙江大学热能工程研究所,浙江杭州 310027
solid propellantignition criterionignition theoryresearch progresssolid rocket motor
《火炸药学报》 2024 (4)