Effects of Composite Shaped Charge with Wave Shaper on Formation of Double-layer Liner Penetrator
Aiming at controlling the detonation wave of composite charge with wave shaper,the influence of different wave shaper and composite charge structure parameters on detonation wave propagation and forming process was analyzed by LS-DYNA software.The forming law of double-layer liner with different shaped charge structure parameters was verified by X-ray imaging test and studied by simulation.The results show that as the thickness of wave shaper and the height of the shaped charge increase,the detonation wave of the composite charge changes from spherical wave to V-shaped wave,and the doub-le-layer liner changes from the PELE to rod-EFP.The head velocity and length to diameter ratio of the penetrators are positively correlated with the thickness of the wave shaper,the height of the charge and the performance of the explosive,and negative-ly correlated with the radius of the wave shaper,the distance between bottom of the wave shaper and the center of detona-tion,and the diameter ratio of the inner and outer layer of the explosive.When wave shaper thickness is 0.114-0.142 times shaped charge diameter,wave shaper radius is 0.400-0.429 times shaped charge diameter,the distance between the bottom of wave shaper and the initiation center is 0.100-0.129 times shaped charge diameter,the composite charge height is 0.971-1.257 times shaped charge diameter,and the diameter ratio of inner and outer charge is 0.77-0.83,ideal rod pen-etrator can be formed.
explosion mechanicscomposite charge with wave shaperdetonation wavedouble-layer linernumerical simu-lationLS-DYNA software
《火炸药学报》 2024 (4)