

Analysis of Characteristics of Uneven Settlement Disaster and Research on Deformation Prediction


文中结合现场调查成果,分析了不均匀灾害的发育特征,再通过变形预测评价灾害发展趋势.分析结果表明,据现场调查,灾害区可划分为3 个变形区,变形特征较为显著,均暂时处于欠稳定-基本稳定状态,若在极端降雨条件下,均存在失稳可能,危害程度大.同时,变形预测得到JC16~JC18 的后续变形速率介于0.33~0.57 mm/期,具有较大的增加趋势,即其累计变形还会增加,需尽快开展其不均匀防治研究.

To lay the theoretical foundation for the prevention and control of uneven settlement disasters,this article combines the results of on-site investigations to first analyze the development characteristics of uneven disasters,and then evaluate the development trend of disasters through deformation prediction.The analysis results show that according to on-site investigations,the disaster area can be divided into three deformation zones,with significant deformation characteristics,all of which are temporarily in an unstable to basically stable state.If under ex-treme rainfall conditions,there is a possibility of instability,and the degree of harm is significant;Meanwhile,through deformation prediction,it was found that the subsequent deformation rates of JC16 to JC18 range from 0.33 to 0.57mm/period,with a significant increasing trend,in-dicating that their cumulative deformation will continue to increase.Therefore,research on non-uniformity prevention and control needs to be carried out as soon as possible.


中国华西工程设计建设有限公司,四川 成都 610031四川弘毅汇通工程勘察设计有限公司,四川 成都 610047



Uneven settlementDisaster characteristicsDeformation predictionExtreme learning machine

《江西建材》 2024 (3)

