

Design of Dewatering Scheme for Deep Foundation Pit in Construction Engineering and Analysis of Settlement Deformation Law


为确保基坑施工安全,文中结合基坑工程基本信息,先进行降水方案设计,并以基坑沉降变形监测结果为基础,通过变形预测手段掌握沉降变形规律.分析结果表明,开展基坑降水方案设计是十分必要的,结合工程实际,将降水措施设计为轻型井点降水,应确保降水后的水位低于设计坑底标高 1m.依据后期水位监测成果,文中得出降水后水位相对设计水位的波动范围为-0.154~0.328 m,满足规范要求.同时,经变形预测,基坑沉降变形具有明显收敛趋势,且最终沉降预测值介于 18.34~21.25 mm,在变形控制值范围内,说明基坑沉降变形控制较好,为类似工程积累了经验.

To ensure the safe construction of foundation pits,this article combines the basic information of foundation pit engineering,first car-ries out the design of its dewatering scheme,and based on the monitoring results of foundation pit settlement deformation,grasps the settlement deformation law through deformation prediction methods.The analysis results indicate that it is necessary to carry out the design of the founda-tion pit dewatering plan.Based on the actual engineering situation,the dewatering measures should be designed as light well point dewatering,and during the dewatering process,it should be ensured that the water level after dewatering is 1m lower than the design pit bottom elevation.After the later stage of dewatering,the water level monitoring results show that the fluctuation range of the water level relative to the design wa-ter level after dewatering is-0.154~0.328m,which meets the regulatory requirements;Meanwhile,through deformation prediction,the set-tlement deformation of the foundation pit shows a clear convergence trend,and the final predicted settlement value is between 18.34 and 21.25mm,which is also within the range of deformation control values,indicating that the settlement deformation control of the foundation pit is good,accumulating experience for similar projects.


贵州省建筑设计研究院有限责任公司,贵州 贵阳 550001



Deep foundation pitPrecipitation planSettlement deformationDeformation prediction

《江西建材》 2024 (3)

