

A Study on Propagation of Near-infrared Diffuse Light in Human Tissues and Detectors Arrangement


为了研究漫反射光谱法在检测内部组织有效信息方面的径向最远探测距离和合适的探测器排布方式,构建了人体皮下组织模型,利用蒙特卡罗(MC)方法对760 nm近红外光在组织中的传输过程进行了模拟.根据不同组织的光学特性,建立了脂肪-肌肉双层MC模型.在模型中,通过调整脂肪和肌肉双层组织的垂直厚度模拟了双层组织的多种情况,分析了不同情况下、不同距离处逃逸光子的分布、数量和剩余权重.结果表明,在该模型下,将探测器排布在距离光源大约3 cm或更近的位置,采集到的光子信号可以有效体现组织内部的信息.基于MC模拟的结果,分析设计了三种可应用于无创血流或血氧检测的探测器排布方式.通过比较发现,多光源-多探测器混合排布设计不仅可以更有效地收集组织的漫射光,提供更均匀的光子分布,而且相较于单光源-多探测器,该设计可以最大限度地利用探测器的数量实现对组织同一深度更大面积的检测.这为设计近红外血流或血氧无创检测光谱仪器提供了思路.

In order to investigate the radial farthest detection distance and the appropriate detector arrangement for diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in detecting effective information from internal tissues,a human subcutaneous tissue model was con-structed,and the transmission process of 760 nm near-infrared light in the tissues was simulated by using the Monte Carlo(MC)method.Two combined fat-muscle MC models were established according to the optical properties of different tissues.In this model,placing the detector approximately 3 cm,or closer,from the light source allows for the acquisition of valid information about the interior of the tissue.The distribution,number and residual weights of escaping photons at different distances were analyzed in different cases.The results showed that under this model,placing the detector at a distance of about 3 cm,or closer,from the light source can effectively acquire photons inside the tissue.Finally,based on the results of the MC simulation,three detector arrangements that can be applied to noninvasive blood flow or blood oxygenation detection were analyzed and de-signed.Through comparison,it is found that the hybrid multi-light source-multi-detector arrangement design can not only collect the diffuse light from the tissue more effectively and provide a more uniform photon distribution,but also the design can maxi-mize the number of detectors and realize the detection of a larger area of the same depth of the tissue,compared with the single light source-multi-detector,which provides ideas for the design of spectroscopic instruments for noninvasive detection of near-infrared blood flow or blood oxygenation.


中北大学信息与通信工程学院,太原 030051中北大学信息与通信工程学院,太原 030051中北大学信息与通信工程学院,太原 030051中北大学信息与通信工程学院,太原 030051



near-infrared diffuse lightMonte Carlo simulationhuman tissue modelsource-detector arrangementnon in-vasive detection spectroscopic instrument

《激光生物学报》 2024 (2)



