

A Study on the Mechanism and Path of the High-quality Development of the TCM Industry in Jiangxi Province Empowered by"Internet Plus"



The people's urgent need for keeping healthy requires accelerating the development of the traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)industry in China,and the"Internet"has provided impetus for its development.The research shows that"Internet Plus"has promoted the two-way expansion of the in-dustrial chain,closed-loop information and big data empowerment;and it has also alleviated the infor-mation asymmetry among stakeholders by improving the construction of information,forming a new game relationship between different stakeholders and a new mode of carrying forward TCM culture.For example,the TCM industry in Jiangxi Province is facing problems like low level of the TCM planting industry,insufficient innovation of TCM enterprises,poor combination of TCM and service industries,and shortage of TCM professionals.In order to give better play to the empowering mechanism with the"Internet Plus",Jiangxi Province needs to build a provincial information monitoring service platform for TCM,develop TCM trade logistics at a faster rate,enhance its information supporting ability,make a smart combination of its TCM medical resources and inherit the essence in the treasure house of TCM.


江西财经大学现代商务研究中心 (江西南昌 330013)



Internet PlusTraditional Chinese MedicineHigh-quality DevelopmentMechanismEmpowerment

《科技广场》 2024 (2)


