A Study on the Strategy for the Development of the Robot Industry in Shandong Province
Shandong Province serves as an important base of the robot industry in China,but it still has constraints including lack of leading enterprises,environment for the industrial development to be im-proved,inadequate capability of the research and development in key technologies,and shortage of professionals in high-end industries compared to those stronger counterparts both at home and abroad.This paper makes an in-depth analysis of the latest development trends in the domestic and interna-tional robot industry,as well as the current situation of the robot industry in Shandong Province.It also proposes countermeasures and suggestions for promoting the high-quality development of the robot in-dustry in Shandong Province in terms of enhancing the collaborative ability of innovative players,ex-panding application scenarios,making more effort for talent training,optimizing the environment for the industrial development,and improving the industrial chain system.
山东省科学技术情报研究院 (山东济南 250101)山东省科学技术情报研究院 (山东济南 250101)山东省科学技术情报研究院 (山东济南 250101)
RobotsIndustrial LayoutShandong Province
《科技广场》 2024 (2)