A Study on the Current Situation and Development Path of the Gathering of Scientific and Technological Talents in Jiangxi Province
Talents are the driving force for regional development,and the technological dividends brought by the gathering of scientific and technological talents are crucial for high-quality regional de-velopment.This paper makes an in-depth data analysis and a case study of the scale,structure,dis-tribution,and gathering of scientific and technological talents in Jiangxi Province by combining quanti-tative and qualitative research methods.The findings show that although Jiangxi Province has achieved certain results in the gathering of scientific and technological talents,it still faces problems including unbalanced distribution of scientific and technological talent gathering and imperfect ecological environ-ment for talents.In this regard,this paper proposes suggestions such as developing diversified strate-gies for attracting talents,building a sound ecological environment for professionals,establishing a long-term training mechanism for talents,and improving the talent management system,hoping to provide specific practical suggestions for the gathering of scientific and technological talents in Jiangxi Province,and promote the scientific and technological innovation and development in the region.
豫章师范学院经济与管理学院 (江西南昌 330000)
Jiangxi ProvinceScientific and Technological TalentsGatheringCurrent SituationPath
《科技广场》 2024 (2)