Key Deployment of Canada's National Quantum Strategy
量子科技在国家之间的竞争日趋激烈.加拿大部署《国家量子战略》(National Quantum Strategy,NQS),旨在巩固其在量子科技领域的全球领导地位.在实施中,该战略强调促进量子生态系统的发展,重视防范长期和潜在风险,注重各方利益均衡.中国须充分研究借鉴别国经验,制定国家量子发展战略规划,注重技术创新牵引,增强产业发展能力;以合作促开放,融入全球量子发展生态.
The competition among countries is beconming increasingly fierce in the field of quantum science and technology.Canada has deployed the National Quantum Strategy to consolidate its global leadership position in the field of quantum technology.In its implementation,the strategy emphasizes promoting the development of the quantum ecosystem,attaches importance to preventing long-term and potential risks,and focuses on balancing the interests of all parties.China needs to fully study and learn from the experiences of other countries,formulate national quantum development strategic plans,focus on technological innovation guidance,enhance industrial development capabilities,promote cooperation through openness,and integrate into the global quantum development ecosystem.
中国科学技术部,北京 100862
Canadaquantum technologyscience and technologystrategyopening up and cooperation
《全球科技经济瞭望》 2024 (3)