

Carbon footprint analysis of bamboo waste pyrolysis


文章针对竹废弃物热解及热解产物资源化利用的场景,基于生命周期评价和敏感性分析方法,建立了详细的生命周期碳排放清单和核算方法,确定了热解系统中碳排放和碳减排的主要贡献源,分析了热解系统碳减排能力对多个参数的敏感性程度.结果表明:1 t竹废弃物热解的碳排放为-838.684 kg,我国竹废弃物热解的年减排量为 3 830 万t,年发电量为 2.1×1010 kW·h;整个系统中碳排放的主要贡献源为生物油和合成气的燃烧发电(34.8%),碳减排最主要的贡献源为竹炭还田(34.0%);热解系统的碳减排能力对竹废弃物占比、年采伐量和热解产物产量的敏感性程度较高,敏感性系数分别为1.297,1.000和 0.702;竹炭还田带来的土壤碳汇效应具有巨大的减排潜力,综合产率为8.9%的竹炭可带来 1300 万t/a的碳减排量.文章认为竹废弃物热解具有较强的碳减排能力,可以为合理利用竹废弃物生产可再生能源、积极应对气候变化,实现"双碳"目标提供一条新途径.

This study addresses the scenario of bamboo waste pyrolysis and the resource utilization of its pyrolysis products,employing a methodology grounded in life cycle assessment and sensitivity analysis.It establishes a comprehensive life cycle carbon emission inventory and calculation approach.The primary sources of carbon emissions and reductions within the pyrolysis system are identified,and the sensitivity of carbon reduction capacity to various parameters is assessed.Results indicate that the carbon emissions from pyrolyzing 1 ton of bamboo waste amount to-838.684 kg,resulting in an annual reduction of 38.3 million t of carbon emissions and an annual electricity generation of 2.1×1010 kW·h in China.The predominant contributors to carbon emissions in the system are the combustion for power generation of bio-oil and syngas(34.8%),while carbon reduction is primarily driven by the application of bamboo charcoal to soil(34.0%).The system's carbon reduction capacity exhibits high sensitivity to bamboo waste proportion,annual harvest volume,and pyrolysis product yield,with sensitivity coefficients of 1.297,1.000,and 0.702.Notably,the soil carbon sequestration effect resulting from bamboo charcoal application presents significant carbon reduction potential,estimated at 13 million t annually for an 8.9%bamboo charcoal application rate.This study concludes that bamboo waste pyrolysis holds substantial carbon reduction potential,providing a novel avenue for China to leverage bamboo waste for renewable energy production and effectively mitigate climate change towards achieving"dual-carbon goals".


同济大学 环境科学与工程学院,上海 200092



bamboo wastepyrolysiscarbon reductionlife cycle evaluationsensitivity analysis

《可再生能源》 2024 (005)

569-577 / 9

