

Effect of combined soaking with nanobubble water and biogas slurry on the biogas production performance of rice straw


文章以水稻秸秆为研究对象,采用 4种浸泡溶剂(去离子水、纳米气泡水、沼液、纳米气泡水联合沼液)对水稻秸秆进行5d厌氧预处理,研究了不同浸泡预处理对挥发性脂肪酸含量、木质纤维素含量以及甲烷产率的影响.结果表明:纳米气泡水和沼液浸泡均促进了水稻秸秆的水解过程;纳米气泡水联合沼液组的处理效果最为突出,挥发性脂肪酸含量达到了6 470 mg/L,纤维素和半纤维素降解率分别达到了 12.1%和 23.7%,最大累积甲烷产率提高了19.5%.

This study investigated the pretreatment of rice straw using different soaking solvents(deionized water,nanobubble water,biogas slurry,and nanobubble water coupled with biogas slurry)for 5 days.The study explored the changes in volatile fatty acid content,lignocellulose content,and methane production in different treatments after soaking pretreatment.The results indicated that the treatment of soaking with nanobubble water and the treatment of combing soaking of nanobubble water with biogas slurry both enhanced the pretreatment effectiveness of the rice straw.The treatment of combing soaking of nanobubble water with biogas slurry showed the optimal pretreatment performance,with the volatile fatty acid content reaching 6 470 mg/L.The cellulose degradation rate and hemicellulose degradation rate reached at 12.1%and 23.7%,respectively,and the maximum cumulative methane yield increased by 19.5%.


青岛汇君环境能源工程有限公司,山东 青岛 266100中国农业大学 工学院,北京 100083



rice strawanaerobic digestionnanobubble watersoaking pretreatment

《可再生能源》 2024 (005)

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