

Effects of Oil-impregnation on Structure and Property of Surface-Roughened BOPP Films


文章考察了两种双向拉伸聚丙烯(BOPP)粗化膜在油浸处理前后的结构及性能变化趋势.通过光学显微镜表征BOPP的表面粗化形貌,利用DSC和WAXD研究晶体结构、结晶性质,偏振红外技术评价取向结构,并且测试了薄膜的拉伸力学、热氧稳定和耐电压击穿性能.结果表明:两种链结构不同聚丙烯制备的BOPP薄膜,在油浸前后晶体结构没有明显改变;取向参数θj与fj显示油浸处理几乎不影响晶区取向结构,而无定形链的取向度降低.此外,油浸处理后高等规、窄分布薄膜的击穿场强从737 V/μm提高到863 V/μm.这是因为在油浸过程中会使无定形区发生取向松弛,消除内应力造成的结构缺陷,使得BOPP薄膜的击穿场强增加.

In this study,the structure and properties of two surface-roughened films of biaxially oriented polypropylene(BOPP)before and after oil immersion were investigated.The roughening morphology of BOPP was characterized by optical microscopy,the crystal structure and crystallographic behavior were inspected by DSC and WAXD,and the orientation structure was evaluated by polarized infrared technology.The tensile mechanics,thermal oxidation stability and breakdown strength of the films were tested.The results show that the crystal structure of BOPP films prepared by two kinds of polypropylene with different chain characteristics does not change significantly before and after oil immersion.The orientation parameters θj and fj suggest that the orientation of the amorphous chains is decreased by oil immersion.In addition,the oil immersion improved the breakdown strength of the film.For example,the breakdown strengths of the high tacticity and narrow distribution films are 737 V/μm(before oil immersion)and 863 V/μm(after oil immersion).These results indicate that soaking in the insulating oil medium for a long time,the orientation relaxation in the amorphous region can eliminate the structural defects caused by internal stress and increase the breakdown strength of BOPP films.


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Surface-roughened film for capacitorCrystallizationOrientationAmorphous phaseBreakdown strength

《塑料科技》 2024 (4)


