A review of three-way decisions based on machine learning
三支决策是粒计算领域一个重要研究方向,其符合人类思维和认知特点,能有效处理实际决策过程中的不确定性问题.三支决策通过引入延迟决策,可以有效降低决策成本和代价,增强对不确定性决策过程的控制并提高模型的可解释性.因此,融合三支决策思想的机器学习方法值得深入研究和探讨.首先,介绍了三支决策基本模型;其次,运用 CiteSpace和 VOSviewer软件分析了国内外基于机器学习的三支决策领域的研究现状;再者,从研究问题、模型方法和应用背景等角度出发,聚焦于三支决策与聚类模型、分类模型、推荐系统、深度学习模型的融合,整理并总结了现有的研究方法与成果;最后,对基于机器学习的三支决策发展趋势作出了展望.
Three-way decision(3 WD)is an important research direction in the field of granular computing,which conforms to human thinking and can effectively deal with uncertainty problems in practical decision-making processes.Three-way decision can effectively reduce the cost of decision-making,enhance the control of uncertain decision-making processes and improve the interpretability of model by introducing delay strategy.Therefore,a three-way decision based on machine learning is worth researching deeply.Firstly,the basic model of three-way decision is introduced.Secondly,the research status of three-way decision based on machine learning at domestic and foreign search results is analyzed by using CiteSpace and VOSviewer.Thirdly,from the perspectives of research questions,model methods,and application backgrounds,the integration of three-way decisions with clustering models,classification models,recommendation systems,and deep learning models are focused on.Finally,the future research directions of three-way decisions based on machine learning are given.
西南交通大学 经济管理学院,四川 成都 610031||服务科学与创新四川省重点实验室,四川 成都 610031西南交通大学 经济管理学院,四川 成都 610031
three-way decisionsmachine learningthree-way clusteringthree-way classificationthree-way recommendation
《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (3)