Study on the ecological polyculture of Penaeus vannamei and Leiocassis longirostris
为研究新型的生态养殖模式,降低南美白对虾单一品种养殖风险,于 2022 年 6-10 月开展了南美白对虾与长吻鱼危生态混养试验,并与传统的南美白对虾池塘单养模式进行对比分析.结果显示:单养模式下南美白对虾的产量为(4 011.3±1 083.6)kg/hm2,规格 70~90 尾/kg,成活率为(69.4±7.9)%.混养模式下虾的产量为(3 650.0±663.4)kg/hm2,规格 40~70 尾/kg,成活率为(45.4±5.0)%,单养模式和混养模式虾的成活率差异显著(P<0.05).长吻鱼危放养规格(91.9±26.8)g/尾,放养密度 1 500 尾/hm2,收获规格(449.3±103.7)g/尾,成活率(98.0±1.9)%,混养模式较单养模式获得了 29 170 元/hm2 的增收.试验结果表明,混养相对于单养,在几乎没有增加其他养殖成本的情况下,保证了南美白对虾的养殖收益,同时收获了较好的长吻鱼危养殖效益,提高了养殖生产总收益.
In order to study a new ecological culture model and reduce the farming risk of single species of Penae-us vannamei,the ecological polyculture experiment of P.vannamei and Leiocassis longirostris was carried out from June to October 2022,and compared with the traditional monoculture model of P.vannamei in ponds.The results showed that the average yield per unit of P.vannamei under the monoculture and polyculture mode was(4 011.3±1 083.6)kg/hm2 and(3 650.0±663.4)kg/hm2,respectively,the size was 70-90 tails/kg,40-70 tails/kg,respectively.The survival rate in monoculture and polyculture mode was significantly different which was(69.4±7.9)%,(45.4±5.0)%,respectively(P<0.05).The average stocking size of L.longirostris was(91.9±26.8)g/tail while the average harvest size was(449.3±103.7)g/tail.The stocking density was 1 500 tails/hm2,and the survival rate was(98.0±1.9)%.The average unit profit of the polyculture mode was 29 170 CNY/hm2 higher than that of the monoculture mode.The results indicated that the breeding income of P.vannamei under the polyculture mode can be guaranteed with almost no increase in other cultural costs,and at the same time obtained better bene-fit of L.longirostris,thus improving the economic benefits of aquaculture.
上海市水产研究所,上海市水产技术推广站,上海 200433
Penaeus vannameiLeiocassis longirostrisecological polyculture
《水产科技情报》 2024 (003)
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