

Inundation Risk at Panyu District of Guangzhou City Simulated by Refined Survey and Mapping Data


[目的]利用精细化测绘调查数据开展城市降雨径流过程模拟,旨在盘活国土资源数据资产和促进城市内涝风险精准管控.[方法]以广东省广州市番禺区为研究区,基于高精度的地形和建筑数据,采用SCS-CN径流模型和GIS技术,模拟不同强度暴雨情境下的城市内涝淹没深度,定量分析研究区内涝淹没风险空间分布特征,同时结合承灾体灾损经验模型,对洪灾损失风险进行评估,识别高发易损规划管理单元.[结果]①番禺区内涝淹没风险区空间上呈现河涌与城市低洼地区聚集状态,临近市桥-沙湾水道、三枝香-大石水道的街镇存在着较高的淹没风险.②随着暴雨强度增加,农业用地和建设用地将受到最严重的影响.③在100 a一遇暴雨情形下,番禺区4个规划管理单元处于高损失风险,损失主要来自住宅建筑,而处于中等损失风险的单元主要面临农业耕地淹没损失.[结论]通过精细化的测绘数据建模,从地块级别成功识别了番禺区潜在易淹没高损失区域,与实际情况较为符合,提高了风险研判的精细度,能够为城市内涝治理和海绵城市规划建设高质量发展提供技术支持.

[Objective]Refined survey and mapping data were used to simulate urban rainfall and runoff processes in order to activate land resource data assets and to promote precise urban flood risk management and control.[Methods]The study was conducted in the Panyu District of Guangzhou City.The SCS-CN runoff model and GIS technology were used to simulate the depth of urban flood inundation under different intensity rainstorm situations on the basis of high-precision topographic and architectural data in order to quantitatively analyze the characteristics of inundation risk in the study area.Additionally,a loss experience model of disaster-bearing bodies was used to assess flood loss risk and to identify highly vulnerable areas.[Results]① The flood inundation risk area in Panyu District was spatially clustered with rivers and low-lying urban areas,and the streets and towns near the Shiqiao-Shawan watershed and the Sanzhixiang-Dashi watershed had higher inundation risks.② Agricultural land and construction land were expected to be most severely affected as the intensities of rainstorms increased.② For the case of a 100-year rainstorm,four planning management units in Panyu District were at high risk of loss,and their losses mainly came from residential buildings,while the units facing medium risk of loss were mainly associated with agricultural land inundation.[Conclusion]Refined survey and mapping data can effectively identify the distribution of high loss areas that are prone to potential inundation.These results are in line with the actual situation.The study results can provide advance research and planning support for urban flood control and sponge city development and construction.


广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院有限公司,广东广州 510060||广州市资源规划和海洋科技协同创新中心,广东广州 510060||广东省城市感知与监测预警企业重点实验室,广东广州 510060



urban floodsoil conservation service curve number runoff modelsurvey and mapping datainundation riskGIS technologyGuangzhou City

《水土保持通报》 2024 (001)

127-135 / 9


