Research on Efficient Evaluation Methods for Fracture Toughness of Ceramic Materials
The rapid development of newly ceramic industries,such as high thermal conductive ceramic substrates for chips,have pushed the material performance testing technologies towards batch and high efficiency.Fracture toughness is an im-portant mechanical property of ceramic materials,but there existing some problems,such as large error in test results,cumbersome and inefficient sample preparation process,which limits its role in industrial R&D,design and production In this paper,the related testing techniques and corresponding testing indexes of material toughness are su mmarized,inclu-ding fracture toughness,fracture energy,J integral,impact toughness,etc.,and the fracture toughness and related me-chanical properties of co mmon ceramic materials are compared and analyzed in order to find an efficient and accurate evalu-ation method.The applicable basis and scope of bending strength of ceramic materials are considered,and the accuracy is verified by relevant literature data.This paper will provide a new idea for batch industrial R&D design and toughness evalu-ation in the production process of ceramic materials.
湖北隆中实验室 湖北襄阳 441106湖北隆中实验室 湖北襄阳 441106湖北隆中实验室 湖北襄阳 441106||武汉理工大学材料复合新技术国家重点实验室 武汉 430070湖北隆中实验室 湖北襄阳 441106||武汉理工大学材料复合新技术国家重点实验室 武汉 430070湖北隆中实验室 湖北襄阳 441106||湖北工业大学绿色轻工材料湖北省重点实验室 武汉 430068
CeramicFracture toughnessMechanical propertiesTesting technologies
《陶瓷》 2024 (5)