

Heterogeneity of the influencing factors for farmers'health seeking behavior in suburban and remote areas of counties


目的 挖掘不同区位农民就医行为的影响因素,帮助了解农民就医的真实需求,从而为不同区位基层医疗卫生资源的优化配置提供策略建议.方法 运用二元Logistic回归分析方法对实地调研获取的数据从就医主观规范、就医选择态度、就医政策、医院条件、疾病特征5个方面共13个因素进行分析.结果 对城郊区农民就医行为具有显著影响的因素有个人就医经验(OR=5.787)、就医所需费用(OR=5.532)、医保报销比例(OR=18.080)、医护人员专业技术水平(OR=12.661)、普通病感知(OR=0.024);对偏远区农民就医行为具有显著影响的因素有个体到医院的距离(OR=2.618)、就医所需费用(OR=2.398)、严重疾病感知(OR=1.839).结论 不同区位农民就医行为的影响因素重要程度存在差异,需因地制宜地提出基层医疗卫生资源优化策略建议,以满足不同区位农民的就医需求.

Objective To explore the factors influencing farmers'health seeking behaviors in different lo-cations,to help farmers know about their real healthcare needs,and to offer strategic recommendations for an opti-mal distribution of local health resources.Methods Binary logistic regression analysis method was adopted to an-alyze 13 factors obtained from the field survey,covering subjective norms,attitudes towards medical selection,medical policies,hospital conditions,and disease characteristics.Results The factors that had a significant im-pact on health seeking behavior of farmers in suburban areas included personal health seeking experience(OR=5.787),medical expenses(OR=5.532),medical insurance reimbursement ratio(OR=18.080),professional technical level of medical staff(OR=12.661),and perception of common diseases(OR=0.024).In contrast,the factors that had a significant impact on health seeking behavior of farmers in remote areas included the distance between home and hospitals(OR=2.618),medical expenses(OR=2.398),and perception of serious diseases(OR=1.839).Conclusions There is significant difference in the importance of influencing factors for farmers'health-seeking behaviour in different locations,so it is necessary to propose strategies for optimizing grassroots health resources tailored to local conditions to meet farmers'health-seeking needs in different places.


西安建筑科技大学管理学院,陕西西安 710055



Grassroots health resourcesFarmerHealth seeking behaviorInfluencing factorLocation differentiationMultiple linear regression

《中国农村卫生事业管理》 2024 (004)

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