首页|期刊导航|中国动物传染病学报|鉴别猪圆环病毒2型和3型双重TaqMan MGB探针FQ-PCR检测方法研究

鉴别猪圆环病毒2型和3型双重TaqMan MGB探针FQ-PCR检测方法研究OA北大核心CSTPCD

Duplex TaqMan MGB Fluorescence Quantitative Real-Time PCR(FQ-PCR)Assay for the Differential Detection of Porcine Circoviruses 2 and 3


建立一种快速、特异鉴别检测猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)和猪圆环病毒3型(PCV3)的双重TaqMan MGB探针FQ-PCR方法,本研究以PCV2的Rep蛋白和PCV3的Cap蛋白基因作为靶基因,各设计1对特异性引物和1条TaqMan MGB探针,经优化各反应条件和进行敏感性、特异性、重复性和干扰性试验,建立鉴别检测PCV2/PCV3的双重FQ-PCR方法.结果显示:该方法可特异性扩增PCV2、PCV3核酸,与猪伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)等8种病原及阴性对照无交叉反应,特异性较强;对PCV2和PCV3阳性质粒标准品的最低检出限均可达10 copies/μL,敏感性较高;PCV2/PCV3批内/批间重复试验变异系数(CV)值均在3%以下,表明方法稳定性、重复性较好;干扰性试验表明在两种病毒阳性质粒起始模板相差较大时该方法不会影响对其中任一病毒核酸的检出和准确定量.对42份临床疑似PCV感染样品检测结果与PCV2、PCV3基因测序结果符合率100%.本研究建立的双重FQ-PCR方法具有敏感性高达10copies/μL、特异性强、在同一反应体系中能同时快速鉴别检测PCV2、PCV3等优点,可用于临床PCV2/PCV3感染的快速鉴别检测.

To develop a duplex TaqMan MGB fluorescence quantitative real-time PCR(FQ-PCR)assay for simultaneous and differential detection porcine circovirus 2(PCV2)and PCV3 in the same reaction system,two sets of specific primers for PCV2 and PCV3 and two TaqMan MGB probes were designed for development of a duplex FQ-PCR method according to PCV2 rep gene and PCV3 cap gene sequences.The duplex FQ-PCR method developed was then optimized for its reaction conditions.The results showed that the duplex FQ-PCR specifically detected PCV2 and PCV3 samples and had no cross-reaction with other 8 pathogens and negative controls,The minimum detection limit was 10 copies/μL nucleic acid,which was the same as the single PCV2 or PCV3 FQ-PCR.The coefficients of intra-batch and inter-batch variation were less than 3%,which indicated that the assay had high specificity,sensitivity and repeatability.The interference test demonstrated that the FQ-PCR method had no effect on the detection and accurate quantification of either virus nucleic acid when the initial concentration of the positive plasmids of these viruses were very different.Meanwhile,this method was used to test 16 PCV2,10 PCV3 and 6 PCV2/PCV3 double positive samples and the results were consistent with those of the gene sequencing.The duplex FQ-PCR method developed here had the advantages of high sensitivity,and specificity,simultaneously rapid identification of PCV2 and PCV3,which might be used for the monitoring and surveillance of virus infection.


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猪圆环病毒2型rep基因猪圆环病毒3型cap基因双重TaqMan MGB FQ-PCR

Porcine circovirus 2rep geneporcine circovirus 3cap geneduplex TaqMan MGB FQ-PCR

《中国动物传染病学报》 2024 (2)


