

Effect of Rab18 on the replication of avian metapneumovirus type C


为探究Rab18调控禽偏肺病毒C型(aMPV/C)复制的分子机制,将aMPV/C感染A549细胞后进行激光共聚焦显微镜观察并用Image J软件分析共定位系数.结果显示,Rab18与aMPV/C N蛋白均在细胞质中表达并存在共定位,而未接毒组无明显的N蛋白荧光信号,接毒组共定位系数极显著高于未接毒组(P<0.01).将 pCMV-Flag-Rab18、pCMV-Flag、siRab18 以及 siNC 分别转染 A549 细胞,接种 aMPV/C 后收集细胞和细胞上清,分别用qPCR、Western-blot以及TCID50检测aMPV/C N基因的转录水平、N蛋白的表达水平以及病毒效价.结果显示,过表达Rab1 8后aMPV/C N基因的转录水平、N蛋白的表达水平以及病毒效价均极显著升高(P<0.01),而干扰Rab18表达后N基因的转录水平、N蛋白的表达水平以及病毒效价均极显著降低(P<0.01).将pCMV-mcherry-Rab18分别与可融合表达GFP蛋白的aMPV/C各基因的质粒共转染A549细胞后进行激光共聚焦显微镜观察.结果显示,Rab18均可与aMPV/C各蛋白在细胞质中发生共定位.将pCMV-Flag-Rab18分别与可融合表达GFP蛋白的aMPV/C各基因的质粒共转染HKE293T细胞后进行免疫共沉淀试验.结果显示,Rab18与aMPV/C N、M2-1和L2共表达的IP样品中出现特异性条带,其他蛋白无特异性条带.这些结果表明,Rab18通过与N、M2-1和L2蛋白的互作影响aMPV/C的复制.研究结果为进一步深入解析Rab18调控aMPV/C复制的分子机理奠定了基础.

This work aimed to investigate how Rab18 influences the replication of avian metapneu-movirus type C(aMPV/C)in A549 cells.Confocal images were obtained by laser confocal microscope af-ter being infected with aMPV/C.The colocalization coefficient was analyzed by Image J software.The results showed that Rab18 and aMPV/C N protein were expressed in the cytoplasm and showed obvious co-localization,while no fluorescent signal of N protein was observed in the mock group.The co-local-ization coefficient between Rab18 and aMPV/C N protein was significantly higher than that in the mock group(P<0.01).The plasmids(pCMV-Flag-Rab18 and pCMV-Flag)and nucleic acids(siRab18 and siNC)were transfected into A549 cells before being infected with aMPV/C,respectively.Cell samples and cell su-pernatant were collected for detection of the transcription level of aMPV/C Ngene,the expression lev-el of N protein,and viral titers by qPCR,Western-blot,and TCID50,respectively.The results showed that the transcription level of aMPV/C Ngene,the expression level of N protein,and the titer of virus were significantly increased after overexpression of Rab18,respectively(P<0.01).On the contrary,the transcription level of aMPV/C Ngene,the expression level of N protein,and the viral titers were sig-nificantly decreased after knockdown expression of Rab18,respectively(P<0.01).A549 cells were co-transfected with pCMV-mcherry-Rab18 and GFP-tagged aMPV/C genes before confocal imaging.The results showed that Rab18 could co-localize with aMPV/C proteins in the cytoplasm.HKE293T cells were co-trans-fected with pCMV-Flag-Rab18 and GFP-tagged aMPV/C genes before conducting the co-immunoprecipitation(co-IP)assay.The results showed that specific N,M2-1,and L2 protein bands were found in IP samples while other viral proteins were not detected.These results suggest that Rab18 influences aMPV/C replication via interaction with N,M2-1,and L2 proteins.The results provided a foundation for further analysis of the molecular mechanism of regulation aMPV/C replication by Rab18.


扬州大学兽医学院(比较医学研究院),江苏扬州 225009||扬州大学江苏高校动物重要疫病与人兽共患病防控协同创新中心,江苏扬州 225009扬州大学江苏高校动物重要疫病与人兽共患病防控协同创新中心,江苏扬州 225009||扬州大学江苏省人兽共患病重点实验室,江苏扬州 225009扬州大学兽医学院(比较医学研究院),江苏扬州 225009||扬州大学江苏高校动物重要疫病与人兽共患病防控协同创新中心,江苏扬州 225009||扬州大学江苏省人兽共患病重点实验室,江苏扬州 225009



avian metapneumovirus type CRab18virus replicationinteractionexpression level

《中国兽医科学》 2024 (004)

433-440 / 8


