

Establishment of a triplex RT-PCR assay for detection of bovine norovirus,bovine kobuvirus and bovine torovirus


为了解牛诺如病毒(BNoV)、牛嵴病毒(BKV)和牛环曲病毒(BToV)在国内的流行情况,本研究参考GenBank中登录的BNoV RdRp基因、BKV 3D基因和BToV N基因保守区域,设计3对特异性引物,成功建立了能够同时快速检测BNoV、BKV、BToV的三重RT-PCR方法.该方法特异性较强,仅对BNoV、BKV、BToV扩增出特异性条带,对其他5种常见引发犊牛腹泻的病毒均未扩增出条带;敏感性较高,针对pMD18-T-BNoV、pMD18-T-BKV 和 pMD18-T-BToV 质粒标准品的最低检测限分别为 2.73×104 copies/μL、2.87×104 copies/μL、3.18×103 copies/μL;重复性好,同批次样品的3次检测结果均一致.使用该方法对153份临床样品进行检测,结果显示,BNoV、BKV、BToV的阳性率分别为11.11%、25.49%、38.56%,3种病毒混合感染率为7.18%.与其他学者建立的单一 RT-PCR检测方法相比,符合率分别为94.77%、93.46%、91.50%.上述结果表明,本试验建立的三重RT-PCR方法为犊牛上述国内新发病毒快速检测及流行病学调查提供了技术支撑.

In order to explore the prevalence of bovine norovirus(BNoV),bovine kobuvirus(BKV)and bovine torovirus(BToV)in China,three pairs of specific primers were designed according to the conserved regions of the RdRp genes of BNoV,the 3D genes of BKV and the N genes of BToV registered in GenBank.The triple RT-PCR method was successfully established for simultaneous and rapid detection of BNoV,BKV and BToV.This method has strong specificity,and only specific bands were amplified for BNoV,BKV and BToV,and no bands were amplified for other 5 common pathogens causing calf diarrhea.The sensitivity was high,and the minimum detection limits for pMD18-T-BNoV,pMD18-T-BKV and pMD18-T-BToV plasmid standards were 2.73 × 104 copies/μL,2.87 × 104 copies/μL and 3.18 × 103 copies/μL,respectively.The three test results of same batch samples consistently showed that the repeatability was good.A total of 153 clinical samples were detected by this method.The results showed that the positive detection rates of BNoV,BKV and BToV were 11.11%,25.49%and 38.56%,respectively.The positive mixed infection rate for all three viruses reached 7.18%.Compared with the single RT-PCR detection method established by other scholars,the coincidence rates for the three viruses mentioned above were 94.77%,93.46%and 91.50%,respectively.In this study,the triplex RT-PCR method provides technical support for rapid detection and epidemiological investigation of the above mentioned domestic emerging viruses in calves.


黑龙江八一农垦大学动物科技学院,黑龙江大庆 163319黑龙江省大庆市农业农村局,黑龙江大庆 163311包头市动植物检疫和动物疫病预防控制中心,内蒙古包头 014000中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所,甘肃兰州 730046



bovine norovirusbovine kobuvirusbovine torovirustriplex RT-PCR

《中国兽医科学》 2024 (004)

454-464 / 11


