

Biomechanical experiment of different orthopedic angles at distal femora in correction of genu valgum


目的 研究膝外翻股骨远端截骨术(DFO)中股骨远端不同截骨角的生物力学特征.方法 采集1例典型的有症状股骨髁上畸形的膝外翻女性志愿者MRI及CT影像数据,构建膝外翻的骨-关节三维有限元模型,并建立7个不同截骨角度的矫形术后模型.对膝外翻模型的股骨远端机械轴外侧角(mLDFA)、胫骨近端内侧角(MPTA)、胫骨-股骨机械轴夹角、力线通过距离进行测量.观察分析膝关节伸直位状态下内外侧间室关节接触力再分布、关节软骨与半月板应力.结果 力线通过距离受矫形角度影响明显,在矫形6°~7°时跨过50%界线.胫骨-股骨机械轴夹角受矫形角度影响,其在矫形5°~6°逐渐转为负值.MPTA 不受矫形角度影响.mLDFA 受到矫形角度影响,矫形角度每增加1°,mLDFA也随之增加1°.冠状面截骨角度为7°时,胫骨-股骨机械轴通过膝关节间隙冠状面的48.6%处,膝关节内外侧间室关节接触力分布为外侧40%、内侧60%,内外侧间室关节软骨应力分布最均匀,膝关节股骨侧软骨外侧间室应力峰值5.2 MPa、内侧5.5 MPa,胫骨侧外侧间室应力峰值6.0 MPa、内侧6.2 MPa.结论 DFO治疗膝外翻时截骨角度对内外侧间室关节接触力再分布、软骨应力具有显著影响.矫形后胫骨-股骨机械轴经过胫骨平台中点略内侧,呈轻度内翻时,关节软骨应力分布更为均衡,内外侧间室关节接触力分布接近人体正常膝关节状态.

Objective To explore the biomechanical characteristics of different orthopedic angles at distal femora in genu valgum treated with distal femur osteotomy(DFO).Methods The MRI and CT image data of a typical female volunteer with supracondylar femur deformity and symptomatic genu valgum were collected to construct a three-dimensional bone-joint finite element model of genu valgum,with seven postoperative models at different orthopedic angles.The mechanical lateral distal femoral angle(mLDFA),medial proximal tibial angle(MPTA),mechanical femorotibial angle,and lower limb alignment crossing distance of the genu valgum model were measured.The redistribution of contact force and von Mises stress of knee cartilage and meniscus in the medial and lateral compartments of knee joint in standing extension were observed and analyzed.Results The lower limb alignment crossing distance was obviously affected by the orthopedic angle,which crossed the 50%boundary at the orthopedic angles of 6° to 7°.The mechanical femorotibial angle was affected by the orthopedic angle,which gradually turned negative at the orthopedic angles of 5° to 6°.MPTA was not affected by the orthopedic angles.mLDFA was affected by the orthopedic angle,the mLDFA increased by 1°with every 1° increase in the orthopedic angle.When the orthopedic angle on the coronal plane was 7°,the femoral-tibial mechanical axis crossed through 48.6%of the coronal plane of the knee joint space,the contact force distribution of the medial and lateral compartments of the knee joint was 40%on the lateral compartment,and 60%on the medial compartment,the von Mises stresses distribution of articular cartilages on the medial and lateral compartments were the most uniform,the peak stress on the lateral compartment of the femoral cartilage of the knee joint was 5.2 MPa,with 5.5 MPa on the medial compartment,and the peak stress on the lateral compartment of the tibial side was 6.0 MPa,with 6.2 MPa on the medial compartment.Conclusion The orthopedic angle has a significant effect on the redistribution of medial and lateral compartment contact force and cartilage stress in the treatment of genu valgum with DFO.After orthopedics,the femoral-tibial mechanical axis crosses slightly medial to the midpoint of the tibial plateau,with a slight varus,the stress distribution of articular cartilage is more balanced,and the contact force distribution of the medial and lateral compartments are close to the normal state of the human knee joint.


重庆医科大学第三附属医院骨与创伤中心,重庆 401120



biomechanicsdistal femur osteotomygenu valgumfinite element analysisknee

《局解手术学杂志》 2024 (005)

399-403 / 5


