

Analyzing the Effects of Classical Art on the Spread of Tibetan Culture:Using the Laundry Songand Songtse Yala as Examples of Musical Works



The uniqueness and heritage of Chinese national culture have been significantly influenced by contemporary classic artistic works.One of the best examples of traditional Chinese revolutionary song,The Laundry Song(Xiyige)evokes strong feelings of national unity and emotional bonding be-tween the soldiers and the populace. The song"The Laundry Song"and Songtse Yala,often referred to as Songze Yala,are exam-ples of traditional revolutionary art from Tibet that have had a profound effect on the preservation and advancement of Tibetan culture.In line with these kinds of activities,every ethnic group in China's border regions thanks the People's Liberation Army and the Communist Party of China for their kindness and collaborates to foster unity inside the nation.


四川音乐学院声乐歌剧学院||四川大学历史文化学院 成都610021


《西藏研究》 2024 (002)

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