

Heshou and other Officials'Observations on Tibetan Society during the Late Kangxi Period:Focused on a Manchu Memorial Unpublished in the First Histori-cal Archives House



Vice Minister Heshou and other officials were sent to Tibet in the 48th year of the Kangxi era(1709)by the Qing government to help Lazang Khan oversee Tibetan matters.Some reports on their views of Tibetan life were left behind by them,along with an unpublished Manchu memorial that listed Tibetan customs and traditions.The memorial,which is currently housed in the First His-torical Archives,has not yet been the topic of scholarly research or publication.This paper examines the submission date,authors,and information sources of the memorial,along with additional observa-tions made by Heshou and others about the Tibetan society at that time,based on the transcription and Chinese translation of the memorial.It ends with a synopsis of the memorial's historical signifi-cance.


南京大学历史学院元史研究室 南京210023中国社会科学院大学历史学院中国边疆历史系 北京102488


《西藏研究》 2024 (002)

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