

Evaluation of Emergency Management Capacity for Public Health Emergencies


目的 对我国突发公共卫生事件应急管理能力进行准确测评,为提升应急管理能力提供决策依据.方法 利用层次分析法确定指标权重,计算突发公共卫生应急管理能力各维度及综合指标的评价得分;借助模糊综合评价法计算突发公共卫生应急管理能力各维度及综合指标的隶属度,判断评价等级.结果 我国突发公共卫生事件应急管理能力较低且发展极不平衡,经济发达省份广东、山东、浙江的突发公共卫生事件应急管理能力较强,此外河南、四川突发公共卫生事件应急管理能力也较强,经济最发达的北京、上海,其突发公共卫生事件应急管理能力居于中等偏上水平,西部省份西藏、宁夏突发公共卫生事件应急管理能力最弱;应急管理能力在组织体系、医疗卫生保障体系、社会经济发展、基础设施建设维度的模糊评价结果均为"很弱",综合评价结果为"较弱".结论 需要强化组织体系、医疗卫生保障、基础设施建设,全面提升突发公共卫生事件应急管理能力.

Objective To accurately assess the emergency management ability of public health emergencies in China,and to provide decision-making basis for improving the emergency management ability.Methods AHP was used to determine the index weight,and the evaluation scores of all dimensions and comprehensive indexes of public health emergency management ability were calculated.Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was used to calculate the membership degree of each dimension and comprehensive index of public health emergency management ability and judge the evaluation level.Results The ability of public health emergency management in China is relatively low and the development is extremely unbalanced.Economically developed provinces such as Guangdong,Shandong and Zhejiang have relatively high capacity of public health emergency management.In addition,Henan and Sichuan also have relatively high capacity of public health emergency management.The western provinces of Tibet and Ningxia have the lowest emergency management capacity of public health emergencies.The fuzzy evaluation results of emergency management ability in organizational system,medical and health security system,social and economic development and infrastructure construction are"very weak",and the comprehensive evaluation results are"relatively weak".Conclusion It is necessary to strengthen the organizational system,medical and health security,infrastructure construction,and comprehensively improve the ability of emergency management of public health emergencies.


宜春职业技术学院医学院,江西宜春 336000



Public health emergenciesEmergency management capacityEvaluationAnalytic hierarchy processFuzzy comprehensive evaluation

《中国药物经济学》 2024 (4)



