

UAV Mapping System Using Orthoimage Stereo Image Pairs


利用无人机影像通过传统立体像对模型测图时需要频繁切换像对,将无人机影像制作为实景三维模型测图时则需频繁平移、缩放和旋转模型,两种方式都存在效率低的问题.正射影像立体像对可将成百上千个立体像对的左右片各自无缝拼接起来,形成覆盖超大范围的立体像对.开发了基于正射影像立体像对的无人机测图系统,作业模式与传统立体像对相似,但避免了像对切换,提高了作业效率.在多个项目中开展了1∶2 000测图实验,该系统平面精度约为0.2 m,高程精度为0.2~0.4 m.

Using UAV image to map through traditional stereo image pair has to switch image pairs frequently,and mapping on the 3D real scene model made by the UAV images has to translate,scale and rotate the model frequently.Both mapping methods have low efficiency.Orthoimage stereo image pairs can seamlessly mosaic the left and right pieces of hundreds of stereo pairs to form a stereo image pair covering a large range.We developed a UAV mapping system based on orthoimage stereo image pairs.The operation mode was similar to the traditional stereo image pair,but avoided switching image pairs and improved the operation efficiency.We conducted 1∶2 000 mapping experiments in some projects.The results show that the plane accuracy of this system is about 0.2 m,and the elevation accuracy is between 0.2 and 0.4 m.


中铁第一勘察设计院集团有限公司,陕西 西安 710043



orthoimage stereo image pairmapping systemUAV imageseamless mosaicaccuracy assessment

《地理空间信息》 2024 (005)

77-80,101 / 5

