

Measuring the Level of New Quality Productivity,Decomposing Regional Differences,and Dynamic Evolution in China


随着新一轮科技革命和产业变革的深入发展,新质生产力作为推动经济社会高质量发展的关键力量,其在我国各地区的水平和差异状况对于制定科学的区域发展战略具有重要意义.本文通过熵权-TOPSIS法对我国 30 个省(区、市)2012~2022 年的新质生产力水平进行了测度,并分析了其区域差异及其动态演进.研究发现,中国新质生产力水平总体呈现上升趋势,但区域间发展不平衡,东部地区显著高于其他地区.基尼系数分解结果显示,区域间差异是造成整体不平衡的主要原因.本文还采用核密度估计方法分析了新质生产力水平的空间演变特征,发现区域间生产力水平差异正在缩小,表明我国在促进区域均衡发展方面取得了积极进展.为进一步促进新质生产力的均衡发展,本文提出了加强科技创新支持、深化体制机制改革、实施差异化区域发展战略、注重人才培养和完善基础设施建设等政策建议.

With the in-depth development of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change,new quality productivity,as a key force to promote high-quality economic and social development,and its level and difference sta-tus in each region of China are of great significance to the formulation of scientific regional development strategies.This paper measu-res the level of new quality productivity of 30 provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities)in China from 2012 to 2022 through the entropy weight-TOPSIS method and analyzes its regional differences and its dynamic evolution.It is found that China's new quality productivity level shows an overall upward trend,but the development is unbalanced among regions,with the eastern region significantly higher than other regions.The Gini coefficient decomposition results show that interregional differences are the main reason for the overall imbalance.The article also analyzes the spatial evolution characteristics of the level of new quality pro-ductivity using the kernel density estimation method and finds that the differences in productivity levels between regions are narro-wing,indicating that China has made positive progress in promoting balanced regional development.To further promote the ba-lanced development of new quality productivity,the article puts forward policy recommendations such as strengthening support for scientific and technological innovation,deepening the reform of institutional mechanisms,implementing differentiated regional de-velopment strategies,focusing on talent cultivation,and improving infrastructure construction.


上海大学管理学院,上海 200444



new quality productivityregional differencesentropy weight-TOPSIS methodGini coefficientkernel den-sity estimationdynamic evolution

《工业技术经济》 2024 (6)



