

Research on graded support technology for coal seam bifurcation area in Jintong Mine


针对金通煤矿51111回风顺槽掘进至310m时煤层出现分层,分层后成为5-1上煤与5-1煤两层煤,且煤层硬度高于顶板岩层这一生产现状,提出分级支护关键技术,依次将锚杆、短锚索、长锚索分别锚固至稳定的5-1 上煤中,并结合FLAC3D数值模拟软件对分级支护预应力场模拟研究,并进行现场应用.对巷道围岩变形情况进行监测,监测结果表明,围岩变形整体呈现"先迅速变大然后逐渐趋于稳定"的变化趋势,顶底板移近量低于20mm,两帮移近量低于16mm.该支护方案能够对顶板实现有效控制.

In view of the production situation that the coal seam was stratified when the 51111 return air roadway was driven to 310m in Jintong Mine,and the coal seam became two layers of 5-1 coal and 5-1 coal after stratification,and the coal seam hardness was higher than the roof rock,the hierarchical support principle and key technology were proposed,and the anchor rod,short anchor cable and long anchor cable were respectively anchored to the stable 5-1 upper coal.Combined with FLAC3D numerical simulation software to simulate the prestressed field of the graded support,the support scheme was given.After the completion of roadway support,the deformation of roadway surrounding rock was monitored.The monitoring results showed that the deformation of surrounding rock showed a trend of'rapidly increasing first and then gradually stabilizing'.The convergence of roof and floor was less than 20 mm,and the convergence of two sides was less than 16 mm.The support scheme could effectively control the roof.


鄂尔多斯市金通矿业有限公司,内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯 010499



bifurcation zonegraded supportnumerical simulationsupporting technology

《煤炭与化工》 2024 (004)

6-9 / 4

