

Research on destabilization mechanism and control technology of peripheral rock in cross-fault roadways


针对过断层破碎带巷道围岩变形大、支护失效难控制、无法保证巷道整体稳定性的问题,以华阳股份新景公司过断层巷道为工程背景,根据断层区的地质特征,分析了巷道失稳破坏机理,提出全锚索支护技术,并进行了数值模拟验证.现场工程实践结果表明,优化支护方案下巷道围岩顶底板移近量为98 mm,两帮收敛量为85 mm,底鼓量为42mm,巷道围岩的变形得到有效控制,确保矿井的正常安全生产.

Aiming at the problem of large deformation of peripheral rock in the roadway over the fault zone,difficult to control the failure of support,and unable to ensure the overall stability of the roadway,taking the roadway over the fault zone of Xinjing Company of Huayang Corporation as the engineering background,the destabilization and destruction mechanism of the roadway was analyzed according to the geological characteristics of the fault zone,and the all-anchor support technology was put forward,and verified by numerical simulation.The results of on-site engineering practice showed that under the optimized support scheme,the top and bottom plates of the roadway peripheral rock were shifted by 98 mm,the convergence of the two gangs was 85 mm,and the bottom bulge was 42 mm,and the deformation of the roadway peripheral rock was effectively controlled,which ensured the normal and safe production of the mine.


山西新景矿煤业有限责任公司,山西阳泉 045000



fault fracture zonestabilitydestabilizationall-anchor cable support

《煤炭与化工》 2024 (004)

25-27,31 / 4

