Construction of decision-making aid for rehabilitation training in patients with ischemic stroke
目的 构建缺血性脑卒中康复训练决策辅助工具,为患者决策提供结构化指导与支持.方法 基于文献回顾和半结构式访谈,初步拟定缺血性脑卒中康复训练决策辅助工具,采用德尔菲专家函询法对15名专家进行2轮专家函询.结果 2轮专家函询的问卷回收率及有效率均为100%,表明专家的积极性高;2轮函询的专家权威系数分别为0.88、0.89,表明专家的权威程度高;2轮专家函询的肯德尔协调系数分别为0.298、0.398(P<0.001),表明专家意见的一致性较高;最终形成的缺血性脑卒中康复训练决策辅助工具包括4项一级指标、9项二级指标和25项三级指标.结论 本研究构建的缺血性脑卒中康复训练决策辅助工具兼具科学性和实用性,有助于改善患者的决策质量.
Objective To construct a decision-making aid for rehabilitation training in patients with ischemic stroke,providing structured guidance and support for patients'decision-making.Meth-ods Based on literature review and semi-structured interviews,a decision-making aid for rehabilita-tion training in patients with ischemic stroke was initially developed.The Delphi expert consultation method was used to conduct a two-round consultation for 15 experts.Results The response rate and effective rate of the questionnaires in the two rounds of expert consultation were both 100%,indica-ting a high enthusiasm among the experts;the authority coefficients of the experts in the two rounds of consultation were 0.88 and 0.89,respectively,indicating a high level of expert authority;the Ken-dall's W coefficients of concordance in the two rounds of expert consultation were 0.298 and 0.398,respectively(P<0.001),indicating a high degree of consistency among expert opinions.The final decision-making aid for rehabilitation training in patients with ischemic stroke included 4 primary in-dicators,9 secondary indicators,and 25 tertiary indicators.Conclusion The decision-making aid for rehabilitation training in patients with ischemic stroke constructed in this study is both scientific and practical,and can help improve the quality of decision-making of patients.
strokecerebral infarctionrehabilitationshared decision-makingdecision-making aidDelphi method
《实用临床医药杂志》 2024 (008)
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