

Study on soil organic carbon distribution and infrared spectral characteristics of paddy soil under long-term free atmospheric CO2 enrichment


为探究野外自由大气CO2浓度长期升高对不同深度农田土壤碳、氮含量和分布的影响,依托中国FACE(Free-air CO2 enrichment)系统平台,以15年试验区的土壤为研究样本,分析不同深度土壤总碳和全氮含量的变化,基于湿筛法区分颗粒态有机质(POM)和矿质结合态有机质(MAOM),并通过傅里叶红外光谱法研究不同深度土壤有机碳官能团的变化.结果表明:FACE处理有提高0~15、15~30 cm 土壤总碳、全氮含量的趋势,其中0~15 cm 土壤总碳、全氮含量较对照分别增加12.52%和14.32%,而15~30 cm分别增加21.74%和33.33%.0~15、15~30 cm 土壤POM和MAOM的碳、氮含量均高于30~45、45~60 cm 土壤,且土壤总碳、全氮更多地分布于MAOM中.FACE处理极显著增加0~15 cm 土层POM的碳、氮含量,其增幅分别为25.92%和24.45%;极显著提高0~15和15~30 cm 土层MAOM的碳、氮含量,增幅分别为0~15 cm的32.62%(碳)和59.52%(氮)以及15~30 cm的42.34%(碳)和31.06%(氮).FACE处理与对照各深度土壤有机碳红外特征峰形态基本一致,但主要吸收峰相对强度存在差异.与对照相比,FACE显著减小45~60 cm 土壤芳香族官能团(1 630 cm-1)的峰面积,增加0~15、15~30 cm 土壤但降低30~45、45~60 cm土壤吸收峰峰面积的比值.综上,长期FACE处理有提高表层土壤总碳、全氮含量的趋势,其增量碳、氮更多地分布于MOAM中,同时提高表层土壤有机碳化学结构的稳定性,有利于表层土壤固碳.

To explore the impact of long-term field free-air CO2 enrichment(FACE)on soil carbon and nitrogen con-tents and distribution across soil profile,soil samples were collected from China's FACE platform after 15 years of treat-ment,analyzed total soil carbon and nitrogen contents,and their distribution in particulate organic matter(POM)and mineral bound organic matter(MAOM)using wet sieving.Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to determine soil organic carbon functional groups at different depths.The results showed that FACE tended to increase soil total car-bon and nitrogen contents in 0-15 and 15-30 cm depths.Specifically,the increases were 12.52%(C)and 14.32%(N),respectively,in 0-15 cm depth and 21.74%(C)and 33.33%(N),respectively,in 15-30 cm depth.The carbon and nitrogen contents of POM and MAOM were higher in the 0-15 and 15-30 cm depths than those in the 30-45 and 45-60 cm depths,with soil carbon and nitrogen being more stored in MAOM.FACE significantly increased POM carbon content by 25.92%and nitrogen content by 24.45%in the 0-15 cm depth only;FACE increased MAOM carbon and nitrogen con-tents in both 0-15 and 15-30 cm depths and the increases were 32.62%(C)and 59.52%(N)in 0-15 cm depth and 42.34%(C)and 31.06%(N)in 15-30 cm depth,respectively.Similar characteristic peaks of soil infrared spectra were observed for FACE and control treatments across soil profile,but the relative intensities of the main absorption peaks were different.FACE significantly decreased the peak area of aromatic functional groups(1 630 cm-1)in 45-60 cm depth.FACE in-creased the ratio of the absorption peak area in 0-15 and 15-30 cm depths,but decreased 1 630 cm 1/2 920 cm-1 in 30-45 and 45-60 cm depths.The results showed that long-term FACE tended to increase surface soil total carbon and nitrogen contents and the carbon and nitrogen increments were more stored in MOAM.Long-term FACE improved surface soil or-ganic carbon stability and was conducive to carbon sequestration based on soil infrared spectra analyses.


扬州大学环境科学与工程学院,江苏扬州 225127内蒙古工业大学矿业学院,呼和浩特 010051扬州大学环境科学与工程学院,江苏扬州 225127||扬州大学农业农村部耕地质量监测与评价重点实验室,江苏扬州 225127



FACEsoildepthorganic carbonparticle separationfourier transform infrared spectroscopysoil car-bon sequestration

《扬州大学学报(农业与生命科学版)》 2024 (002)


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